Make for meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Make for
As noun : की ओर बढना
मदद करना
As verb : की ओर चलना Ex:  To make for smoother cooperation in the implementation of this "Final Solution" की ओर जाना Ex:  He wants to sell this domain because it is too limited and does not make for acquisitions to round की ओर बढ़ना
Make for synonyms
fly retire travel move leave pass progress flee fare hightail lam depart quit wend escape mosey near journey exit hie withdraw cruise decamp approach vamoose abscond split beat it get off hit the road light out pull out push off shove off take off bug out get away get going get lost make a break for it move out push on run along run away set off skip out take a hike take a powder take flight take leave make one's way generate secure engender muster breed induce hatch occasion provoke beget bring about draw on get up work up give rise to result in turn influence gravitate contribute lean bear favor aim head incline conduce point redound drift dispose impel trend bend look be biased be conducive be disposed be in the habit of be inclined be liable be predisposed be prejudiced have a tendency have an inclination move toward serve to verge on modify lift enhance alter revise help reform fix better elevate square ameliorate change raise make up for pay one's dues retract confess purge crawl cop out cop a plea admit guilt ask forgiveness ask pardon beg pardon bow to clear oneself excuse oneself get down on knees give satisfaction make amends make reparations make up with offer compensation offer excuse say one is sorry appease reconcile absolve propitiate expiate answer do penance make redress take one's medicine stabilize adjust readjust harmonize neutralize equate counteract even compensate collate tie match accord poise nullify parallel level steady correspond oppose equalize attune come out come out even pair off rule out annul revoke abort repeal rescind invalidate repudiate vacate negate abrogate refute overthrow counterpoise suppress void frustrate discharge countermand recall ignore discard recant call off countercheck balance out compensate for declare invalid put an end to render inert render null and void set aside upgrade review regulate improve scrub doctor edit reorganize launder retouch emend reclaim reconstruct polish debug remodel fix up go over pick up touch up straighten out clean up clean up act do over fiddle with get with it make over make right pay dues put in order set right set straight shape up turn around atone for insure relieve substitute double for make good stand in for take over take the rap for account requite equipoise cancel out counterpose allow for be equivalent exceed overshadow prevail eclipse surpass overcome preponderate excel outrun predominate outbalance outrival take precedence tip the scales punish retaliate get even pay back avenge oneself settle a score square things pray appeal solicit petition beseech importune entreat implore crave supplicate entreaty interchange return barter retort share trade swap swing vacillate reply tit for tat feel in return return the compliment serve out scratch one's back retrieve recoup recover satisfy grease indemnify remunerate reward put out overcompensate ante up cough up do business pay for spring for sweeten the pot swing for take care of dial back put right recalibrate straighten up turn things around rehabilitate restore acquit perform keep defray meet fulfill save reinstate abide by carry out adhere to hold to keep the faith vindicate negative make restitution even out turn over new leaf relinquish remit give back honor a claim make repayment square up mitigate assuage alleviate control attend heal soothe renew aid palliate set to rights clean up one's act overhaul revive rebuild refurbish patch renovate revamp sew rejuvenate refresh recondition do up patch up darn retread give a face-lift put back together rebate award settle up go straight do justice put in place set upright sort out undo
Make for antonyms
remain wait create surrender face stay stop arrive come enter continue break disagree mismatch be born destroy prevent ruin result halt consume act play shun dislike obey dissuade ignore hurt take follow abandon neglect worsen injure harm decrease lessen blemish corrupt impair mar subtract lower upset depress drop debase reduce defy spoil aid assist forfeit imbalance approve help support lose differ disproportion overbalance unbalance validate permit ratify sanction emphasize uphold keep allow encourage arrange establish tip damage weaken blunder goof mistake pamper pet maintain blow coddle indulge be permissive uncover unwrap disregard exclude lay bare lay out reveal forget leave alone fail fall behind refuse earn reply decide punish sentence answer request deny ask question deprive penalize dissatisfy seize blame condemn convict let go increase intensify block hinder obstruct aggravate get sick wreck decline kill withhold extort steal wrong confuse move
Usage of Make for in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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