Make mincemeat of meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Make mincemeat of
As verb :
पूर्णतः नष्ट करना
Make mincemeat of synonyms
crash burst tear separate shatter damage crush split fracture crack snap sever demolish trash divide fragment disintegrate splinter bust eradicate part batter annihilate shiver total rend torpedo bust up finish off make hash of pull to pieces collide bang slam hit blast belt pulverize pound squish squash clobber scrunch powder wallop slug break to smithereens bash put away swamp beat rout drub overwhelm whip blank thrash overcome lick bury win cap paste pommel hammer murder conquer lambaste wax dust waste flog lather walk over wipe off the mat cook one's goose fix one's wagon sunder rift
Make mincemeat of antonyms
mend combine unite connect aid fasten put together obey stabilize cause hide wait fix lose join help attach secure agree strengthen allow keep quiet secret stay compliment praise tap fail surrender forfeit preserve yield save underwhelm repair let go
Usage of Make mincemeat of in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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