Make up meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Make up
As noun : गढना Ex:  Bill and Max decided to make up .
चरित्र Ex:  Buddhist and traditional animist minorities make up the remainder. उ:   इसके चरित्र नए, मनभावन और सार्वभौमिक थे। चालचलन Ex:  Private Members' Bills make up the majority of bills तनजीम Ex:  More recent estimates indicate that Muslims make up 30% of the population. दूसरा मौक़ा Ex:  Islam, and Karaism which make up another 1.6% of the population. पुरस्करण Ex:  The racial make up of the city पूरा करना Ex:  Ethical theory and applied ethics make up normative ethics. रूप सज्जा Ex:  Indians make up 21%, and people of Chinese ancestry form most of the remainder. वित्तक Ex:  These make up about 7% of the population. शृंगार Ex:  Although Madison students make up about 4% of MSU graduates उ:   शृंगार और शान्त रसों की प्रधानता है। संघटन Ex:  German citizens make up the largest group of foreigners in the city with 16.1% उ:   इसका संघटन बड़ा विकसित है। संप्रसाधन Ex:  The islands make up part of the Virgin Islands archipelago सकिलाना ‡ Ex:  Sports make up a large part of the campus experience at the university समाचेष्टित Ex:  The Kayin make up 7% of the population.
As verb : कसर निकालना Ex:  Please make up all the beds early today . चित्या Ex:  These four dance types make up the majority of 17th century suites चित्रीकरण, चित्रीकार Ex:  Indo-Trinidadians make up 40.3% of the population जेबोजीनत Ex:  The Khalkha make up 90% of the ethnic Mongol population. झगड़ा निपटाना Ex:  Deserts in California make up about 25% of the total surface area. डड़ियाना Ex:  The range joins two of the ancient segments that make up the Indian craton दोस्थी कर लेना Ex:  Chalcedonian Antiochian Orthodox make up 50–55% of the Christian population निपाना Ex:  Pulmonic consonants make up the majority of consonants in the IPA बनवना ‡पु Ex:  Adams was said to make up the stories as he wrote. बना होना Ex:  These make up about half of the country's exports. बनाना Ex:  The city's ethnic make up has been defined by political and economic factors. उ:   अर्थात्‌ बिना कुछ के, किसी भी वस्तु को बनाना और ईश्वर ने ऐसा ही किया। बनावना Ex:  Three territories make up Northern Canada. मे Ex:  Swedish has 9 vowels that make up 17 phonemes in most varieties and dialects . उ:   पुणे मे संगीत, कला, साहित्य की भरमार है। रुपायन Ex:  Whites make up approximately one-quarter of the population शृंगर Ex:  Cambodians, Vietnamese, and indigenous tribes make up the remaining population. श्रंगार करना Ex:  Christians make up 65.3% of Jamaica's population श्रृंगार Ex:  Most of the structures that make up animals उ:   किंतु ब्रजभाषा भी इस काव्य का श्रृंगार बनी है। संजोवा Ex:  Together with fields from other fissures they make up the Lava Beds of Idaho संधि करना Ex:  McLaren and Williams make up the "Big Three" सजाना Ex:  Christians make up 61.6% of the country's population उ:   घरों तथा झोपड़ियों की दीवारों को सजाना भी एक पुरानी परंपरा है। सजावट Ex:  Today Protestants make up less than 1/3 of the state's population. उ:   इन पांचों महलों की सजावट ऐसी है कि आंखें चकाचौंध हो जाती हैं। सरजाना Ex:  Muslims make up 9.9% of the population साझना Ex:  Britons, and Italians resident in Andorra make up 67.7% of the population. सिंगारना, सिँगारना Ex:  Aboriginal Albertans make up approximately three percent of the population. सिंगारपटार Ex:  The Amerindians make up 0.4% of Brazil's population, or about 700,000 people. सृंगार Ex:  Black ethnic groups make up 98% of the population.
Other : कल्पना करना Ex:  I have to make up now . बनावट Ex:  Yazidis make up 1.3%, and Russians 0.5%. उ:   इन्हीं की ऊपरी सतह में मिट्टी की बनावट पाई जाती है।
Make up ki paribhasha : taratib ya kram se rakhana upakaranon ke dvaara kisi padaarth ka nirmaan saahity ke anusaar nau rason men se ek ras jo sabase adhik prasiddh hai aur pradhaan maana jaata hai
Make up synonyms
ad-lib blend coin combine compose compound concoct construct contrive cook up devise dream up fabricate fashion fix formulate frame fuse hatch improvise invent join knock off make meld merge mingle mix originate prepare pretend put together ready whip up wing it write fictionalize fabulize fake it play by ear storify trump up complete consist fill furnish include meet provide supply accommodate atone balance bury the hatchet conciliate counterbalance counterpoise mend offset outweigh pacify recompense redeem redress requite settle countervail come to terms forgive and forget make amends make peace set off shake hands
Make up antonyms
tell truth disagree be real
Usage of Make up in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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