Malaise meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Malaise
As noun : अनचैन० Ex:  There are signs of a creeping malaise in our office.
अस्वस्थता Ex:  IL-6 and TNF-Alpha cytokines produce fatigue and malaise उ:   फिर भी अस्वस्थता के कारण कम हो गया था। आकल्य Ex:  Africa's economic malaise is self-perpetuating आदीनव Ex:  be hurt in the process, feeling malaise इजतिराब Ex:  It also means discomfort, malaise caused the need for action or talk when no one knows what to do or say खलबलाहट Ex:  It is said, by analogy, a stop of activity, of a more or less permanent malaise in business चटपट्टी Ex:  Put in a state of discomfort, physical or moral malaise छटपटो Ex:  state medicine indisposition, malaise which is the forerunner of illness तड़फड़ाहट Ex:  The family lives in a perpetual malaise तलमलाहट Ex:  There is a general malaise in the country दुःखता प्रक्षोभ, प्रक्षोभण बिकलई बेचैनी उ:   इस यात्रा का मकसद खुद की बेचैनी को दूर करना है। बेताबी बेहाली रुग्णता उ:   अनुसंधान से पता चलता है कि मानसिक रुग्णता से कलंक जुड़ा हुआ है। रूग्णता शरीरवैकल्य स्राम्य
Other : मांद्य उ:   इस कारण रोग और मांद्य में केवल आंशिक संबंध है।
Malaise ki paribhasha : aisi avastha jisamen kya kahana ya karana chaahie, yah na soojh pade
Malaise synonyms
doldrums anxiety pain angst weakness disquiet unease discomfort illness uneasiness despair debility distress decrepitude melancholy feebleness enervation lassitude infirmity unhealthiness infirmness sickliness
Malaise antonyms
happiness joy calmness health soundness healthiness ease peace comfort good health well-being cheer pleasure ability strength well being
Usage of Malaise in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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