Malaria meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Malaria
As noun : खराब हवा जो ज्वर का कारण हो Ex:  He studied malaria and the plague
जूडी Ex:  This natural product was used by the inhabitants of Peru to control malaria दुर्वात Ex:  Although some patients died from malaria मलेरिया Ex:  The global endemic levels of malaria have not been mapped since the 1960s उ:   इसके कारण मनुष्य में टरसियन मलेरिया होता है।
Other : शीतज्वर Ex:  Severe malaria is commonly misdiagnosed in Africa हिमज्वर Ex:  He was treated for malaria and dysentery by American OSS doctors.
Malaria ki paribhasha : ek prakaar ka jvar jo varsha RRitu men phailata hai
Malaria synonyms
ague miasma fever and ague jungle fever paludism
Usage of Malaria in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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