Malicious meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Malicious
As noun : दुर्भावनापूर्ण Ex:  Intention malicious
As adjective :
कीन Ex:  Cryptanalysis might be undertaken by a malicious attacker दुर्भाव पूर्ण Ex:  Having bad mind Having a difficult character, be brought to the systematic and malicious contradiction दुर्भावपूर्ण Ex:  It is malicious to you द्वेषपूर्ण Ex:  It still means figuratively about malicious to Hold towards someone उ:   इस कारण उनके प्रतिद्वन्दियों ने उन्हें द्वेषपूर्ण जातिवादी कहा है। द्वेषी Ex:  It takes usually in a way that nothing adverse and it then means who likes to do or say malicious things only to have fun, entertain उ:   वहीं कुछ समीक्षकों ने गेम को स्वाभाविक हिंसक और स्त्री द्वेषी बताया। पृतनायु Ex:  Make gloated, Making more or less malicious jokes about someone or something बुरा चाहने वाला Ex:  of both genders who is malicious विद्विट् Ex:  People labeled B typically spend for spiritual and malicious साभ्यसूय Ex:  Substantively, must not About credence to malicious सासूय Ex:  The failures are often bitter and malicious
Other : कपटी Ex:  Even without malicious programming खोटा Ex:  About malicious घुन्ना Ex:  By extension, it is said in the vernacular of a malicious and slanderous be मात्सर Ex:  of both genders who is malicious विद्वेषपूर्ण Ex:  Somehow malicious
Malicious ki paribhasha : jo sada kuchh na kuchh upadrav karata rahe
Malicious synonyms
vengeful petty spiteful vicious pernicious mischievous malignant virulent nasty wicked venomous malevolent awful baleful beastly bitter catty deleterious detrimental envious evil evil-minded green green-eyed gross injurious jealous low mean noxious ornery poisonous despiteful rancorous resentful bad-natured cussed ill-disposed uncool
Malicious antonyms
forgiving useful helpful loving pleasing friendly kind pleasant harmless moral assisting benevolent liking gentle good nice decent aiding likeable sympathetic thoughtful
Usage of Malicious in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
Word of the day

OUkJ6rt1R 23 March, 2025 5QLwnAVn
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