Manage meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Manage
As noun : नियंट्रित करना Ex:  He was asked to manage Canada's team at the 2005 Ice Hockey World Championships
सफल होना Ex:  It deals only manage his fortune
As verb : अख्ज Ex:  He found it difficult to manage the amorphous organization. आसादन Ex:  He could manage to arouse her from apathy. काम निकालना Ex:  Poor people cannot manage on their salary. चल्ना Ex:  Get off my tail! I can manage without you . ठवनापु Ex:  We just can't manage without some more money . देख भाल करना Ex:  They all manage organisations . देखभाल करना Ex:  For milder crises a subgroup of patients manage on NSAIDs . नियंट्रण करना Ex:  Nevertheless, Henry did manage to achieve an expansion of his empire प्रबंध करना Ex:  Concessionaires manage nine hotels and lodges प्रबन्ध करना Ex:  Bodawpaya did manage to capture the western kingdom of Rakhine प्रातिधान Ex:  A council was formed at Corinth to manage the affairs of this alliance. रखना Ex:  Calendars are also used to help people manage their personal schedules उ:   इसलिये इस विश्वविद्यालय का नाम उनके नाम पर रखना सर्वथा सार्थक है। लाति Ex:  He did manage to reach the U.S. Open semifinals लेना Ex:  He did manage relocation to Tunisia and two months after this उ:   वह उन्के साथ रहकर उनसे बदला लेना चाहती थी। व्यवस्था करना Ex:  To manage the high volume of cert petitions received by the Court each year श्रयना Ex:  He is stunned, he did not manage to संभाल Ex:  If once I manage to find out, soon as I reached उ:   उन्होंने संपूर्ण क्रांति के भाष्य का जिम्मा ख़ुद संभाल लिया। संभालना Ex:  In terms of Arithmetic, Rule three, Rule by which, with three known terms of a proportion, we manage to find the fourth term सन्निवेश Ex:  In the midst of the noise, he could not manage to make hear his voice, to be heard सन्यासन Ex:  It also means Administer, manage हरामखोरी Ex:  It is said, by extension, Mal manage its affairs
Other : बन्दोबस्त करना Ex:  If it does not manage to do so शासन करना Ex:  System DBMS to create, store and manage database .
Manage ki paribhasha : sarakaar dbaara kisi vastu ke moolya, samaan vitaran aadi par lagaaya jaanevaala pratibndh kisi kaary ka vah vidhaan jo shaastron aadi ke dvaara nishchit ya nirdhaarit hua ho striyon ke liye ek aadarasoochak shabd kisi vastu par ya kisi vastu ke andar doosari vastu sthit karana doosare ke haath se apane haath men karana
Manage synonyms
use regulate run dominate oversee train conduct administer maintain supervise handle govern operate guide concert influence direct disburse instruct captain manipulate engineer wield designate head superintend advocate watch counsel ply boss officiate pilot execute request rule preside command steer carry on take over take care of call the shots call upon care for engage in hold down run the show take the helm watch over work carry out achieve upstage jockey scam doctor fix contrive effect wangle plant succeed swing cook rig finagle arrange bring about bring off deal with cope with play games pull strings push around put one over fare shift muddle stagger endure bear up get along get on make out make do scrape by
Manage antonyms
obey surrender ignore bumble mismanage serve follow yield forget neglect leave oppose hurt fail destroy disarrange disorganize unsettle disorder disturb
Usage of Manage in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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