Mandate meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Mandate
As noun : अगिआँ Ex:  The Treaty of Versailles gave South Africa a mandate over Namibia
अधिदेश Ex:  The UNEF mandate expired in 1979. Despite the efforts of the US उ:   अधिदेश आयोग की स्थापना की गई। अभ्यनुज्ञा Ex:  The United Nations was given a mandate to enforce a ceasefire अम्र Ex:  Yeltsin termed the results a mandate for him to continue in power. अववाद Ex:  Most unions assert a right to mandate that only its members अहदेहुकूमत Ex:  In 2006, Massachusetts became the first state to mandate health insurance आदेश देना Ex:  Gbagbo's original mandate as president expired on October 30 आदेश Ex:  Douzeniers are elected for a six year mandate उ:   सम्राट ने आदेश दे दिया। आदेशपत्र Ex:  The state produces ethanol fuel and is the first to mandate its use आर्ज्ञप्त Ex:  Now that the mandate of the President has been shortened to 5 years ईमा Ex:  New Zealand took over the mandate of Western Samoa जनादेश Ex:  The mandate of the National Park Service is to '. उ:   यह जनरल काउंसिल के जनादेश के तहत काम करती है। दूसरे के नाम पर शासन करने का अधिकार Ex:  In keeping with this mandate दूसरे राष्ट्र को शासन के लिए देना Ex:  In 2006 Déby won a third mandate in elections that the opposition boycotted. प्रशिष्टि Ex:  Massachusetts became the first state to mandate universal health insurance. प्रादेश Ex:  It also means someone Munir mandate उ:   उपरोक्त अपील के विपरीत, सर्ट का एक प्रादेश अधिकार का विषय नहीं है। मैनडेट Ex:  Repeat the mandate you entrusted me वयुन Ex:  The law in France does not recognize the imperative mandate शासनकाल Ex:  They are called the same, in administrative terms, the Act of putting an end to the mandate of an Assembly उ:   उनके शासनकाल को साइतयुग कहा जाता है। शासनाधिकार Ex:  This deputy is unfaithful to his mandate उ:   १८२२ में उसे पूर्ण शासनाधिकार सौंपे गए। शास्त्रि Ex:  This mandate must be signed by the authorizing हुकम Ex:  This has fulfilled its mandate हुकम्म हुक्म सौंपना
Mandate ki paribhasha : bade ka vachan jisaka paalan kartavy ho badon ka chhoton ko kisi kaam ke liye kahana aangoothe se praarnbh kar tarjani tak ki lnbaayi ka ek maan jyotish shaastr men grahon ka phal
Mandate synonyms
decree injunction directive instruction command sanction authorization edict fiat word go-ahead behest precept commission charge imperative bidding dictate okay warrant blank check carte blanche green light
Mandate antonyms
request denial refusal veto question breach break
Usage of Mandate in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
Word of the day

shrawan 24 March, 2025 mandate of salary to our branch
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