Manhood meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Manhood
As noun : पुरुषत्त्व Ex:  It reached manhood
पुरुषत्व Ex:  It says yet the state of manhood is उ:   उसकी मृत्यु के पश्चात उसका पुरुषत्व यक्ष को वापस मिल गया। पुरुषार्थ Ex:  MEN still told of Him who reached the age of manhood उ:   ये पुरुषार्थ चतुष्टय कहलाते हैं। पुरूषार्थ Ex:  When this child will be able to manhood उ:   पुरूषार्थ चतुष्टय आध्यात्म में संचालित, प्रेरित व अनुशासित होता है। मर्दान्गी लोग उ:   लोग पूरे विश्‍व से इस लौहनगरी को देखने आते है।
Other : नरत्व Ex:  also means manhood manhood मरदानगी
Manhood ki paribhasha : purush ka arth ya prayojan jisake liye use prayatn karana chaahiye saahas
Manhood synonyms
boldness nobility courage masculinity virility fortitude mettle bravery potency resoluteness machismo chivalry daring valor sturdiness honor gallantry forcefulness determination firmness spirit tenacity manliness resolution self-reliance hardihood adulthood manfulness
Manhood antonyms
cowardice fear weakness irresolution timidity
Usage of Manhood in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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