Manipulative meaning in hindi
As noun : हस्त कौशलयुक्त
As adjective :
अंटीबाज अठकपाली किटकिनाबाज खुरटि घुटा चलाँक चालाक छटैल दक्षता से करने की प्रवृत्तिवाला प्रमत फरहर ‡ बैठकबाज मुतफन्नी मुरशिद मुर्शिद् मुस्तैद
ExamplesManipulative synonyms
wily shrewd scheming canny devious considerate guarded designing machiavellian artful careful cautious chary circumspect crafty cunning discreet gingerly intelligent politic safe sharp sly wary guileful contriving premeditating Manipulative antonyms
foolish honest artless naive unassuming open uncalculating Usage of Manipulative in sentences
The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning.
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