Mannered meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Mannered
As noun : आहार्य Ex:  A composition mannered
कारवी Ex:  Actor dancer mannered कित्तिम Ex:  all the processes of a painter, a writer mannered किरतिम Ex:  By extension, Air mannered mannered composure, etc किर्तिम Ex:  Figures of mannered किर्तृम Ex:  Forced Attitude, mannered कृतम Ex:  In terms of Fine Arts and Literature, Brush mannered कृत्तम Ex:  mannered writer कृत्यम Ex:  This building is a taste mannered कृत्रिम Ex:  This woman is too mannered उ:   कृत्रिम या सिंथेटिक पॉलीमर मानव निर्मित होते हैं। बनौवा स्वाभाविकेतर
Mannered ki paribhasha : baarah prakaar ke putron men se ek
Mannered synonyms
self-conscious stilted pretentious apish artificial chichi posed unnatural airish artsy campy gone hollywood highfaluting stuck up
Mannered antonyms
unpretentious natural
Usage of Mannered in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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