Manual meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Manual
As noun : एक छोटी किताब Ex:  read the manual at your leisure
नियम पुस्तिका Ex:  First native, and later African, slaves were used for manual labor. नियमावली Ex:  Established as a manual trade school for boys उ:   स्पैनिश भाषा और उसकी नियमावली को समर्पित यह पहली पुस्तक थी। स्वतः Ex:  This is important because most applications of SMAW are manual उ:   यह स्वतः चयन सबसे बेहतर होना चाहिये। हस्त Ex:  A training manual approved by Percival उ:   हस्त उत्तानासन एक आसन है। हस्तचालित Ex:  The LRP technical manual was published in 1999 by Drs. उ:   एक सेवा से दूसरी सेवा के बीच परिवर्तन हस्तचालित होता है। हस्तसम्बन्धी Ex:  Armstrong took over manual control of the LM हाथ से किया गया या बनाया हुआ Ex:  Baden-Powell found that his military training manual
As adjective : पुस्तिका Ex:  The era of manual multi-shot devices extends back hundreds of years उ:   इस पुस्तिका के दो खण्ड थे। पैँफ्लेट Ex:  Rather than human manual power or energy generated by the cartridge लीफ्लेट Ex:  The last major use of a manual machine gun हस्तसिद्धि Ex:  Death Valley Junction was also on manual service. हाथ का Ex:  A few years later he wrote a small manual
Other : गुटका Ex:  I have manual sewing machine. दस्ती Ex:  XEmacs has a similar manual निर्देशिका Ex:  The earliest cello manual is Michel Corrette's Méthode उ:   उनकी पुत्री अपर्णा सेन प्रसिद्ध अभिनेत्री और फ़िल्म निर्देशिका हैं। हस्त्य Ex:  Wills wrote a coaching manual
Manual ki paribhasha : niyat samay par maasika, paakshika, traimaasik aadi rupon men prakaashit honevaala patr haath ke dvaara ya haath se kiya hua jo hast nakshatr men utpann ho vah saugaat jise vijayaadashamike din raaja log apane haath se saradaaron aur apasaron ko baaantate hain kisi snstha ke snbndh men niyamon ka sngrah
Manual synonyms
human standard physical hand-operated not automatic reference book text textbook handbook guidebook primer compendium bible workbook cookbook schoolbook enchiridion
Manual antonyms
automated automatic
Usage of Manual in sentences

The word is used as adjective noun in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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