Marauding meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Marauding
As verb : लूट मार करने वाला Ex:  Action to practice marauding
लूटमार करनेवाले Ex:  This school was taken marauding
Other : लूट Ex:  Practicing marauding उ:   हजारों गाँव लूट लिए गए और जलाकर ध्वस्त कर दिए गए।
Marauding synonyms
forage ravage despoil harass sack foray harry raid loot ransack
Marauding antonyms
aid assist protect guard help support behave
Usage of Marauding in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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