Marginal meaning in hindi
As noun : अत्यल्प Ex:  These are marginal points and can be discussed later. उ: इनकी छंद-मुक्त गद्यात्मक कविता अत्यल्प हैं।
कणीक Ex:  However, key marginal areas have experienced rapid growth recently. प्रविरल Ex:  The marginal cost for these firms is often depicted as a constant. लहुअ ‡
As adjective : अंगुलिगण्य Ex:  This will have a marginal effect on the countrys economy. कमतर Ex:  The marginal distribution Pr is the distribution over states at time n. किनारा संबंधी Ex:  They are: The North Sea is a marginal किनारे का Ex:  Many seas are marginal seas खाल खाल Ex:  Underdiagnosis and overdiagnosis are problems in marginal cases पसँगा Ex:  Underdiagnosis and overdiagnosis are problems in marginal cases. पसंगा Ex:  Aside from a marginal community of Rastafarians living in Grenada प्रविरल Ex:  The marginal cost for these firms is often depicted as a constant. बहुत कम Ex:  MANCHETTES in terms of Printing, says marginal indications and Notes यत्किंचित् उ: सभी मुनि महात्माओं को यत्किंचित् दान देता था। हाशिये का
Other : उपांतिक Ex:  The South China Sea is a marginal sea south of China.
ExamplesMarginal synonyms
negligible minor minimal insignificant bordering low peripheral small on the edge rimming verging Marginal antonyms
central interior internal important major significant core Usage of Marginal in sentences
The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning.
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