Masterful meaning in hindi
As adjective : आढ़ Ex: Although his orchestration is often masterful
कुशल Ex: A masterful perfection उ: प्रबन्ध-प्रक्रिया को कुशल व प्रभावी बनाना। कृतकर्मा Ex: He made a presentation of a masterful width कृतहस्त Ex: In a way, a tone, a masterful air कृतागम Ex: We find in this book masterful pages क्षिप्रकर चाबुकदस्त प्रतिपत्तिविशारद् युक्तिमान् वचस वेदिता शीलित शौंडि सामग्य सौस्थय स्वाप्त हस्तवत्
Masterful ki paribhasha : chedivnshiy kuti ka putr harivnsh vah jo gurujanon ke saamane aisa kaam kare jo anuchit ho
ExamplesMasterful synonyms
first-rate deft skillful adroit excellent exquisite masterly adept clever consummate crack crackerjack dexterous fine finished preeminent proficient superior superlative supreme transcendent Masterful antonyms
clumsy unskillful unskilled imperfect amateurish ignorant stupid awkward inept inferior poor unproficient Usage of Masterful in sentences
The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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