Mate meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Mate
As noun : अनुकर Ex:  My room mate was a opportunist.
असिस्टंट Ex:  Other popular items include Dulce de Leche and mate उत्तसाधक Ex:  In the election of 1800 John Adams and his running mate उपनावाध्यक्ष Ex:  The solitary Short-beaked Echidna looks for a mate between May and September उपवनाध्यक्ष Ex:  Aoibheal rules that all men must mate by the age of 21 गिरोही Ex:  Young birds may travel in flocks but later mate for life गोष्टि Ex:  They choose a mate based on the quality of his display जीवन स‌ंगिनी Ex:  Arctic Terns mate for life जीवन स‌ंगी Ex:  Goebel's running mate जोड़ा Ex:  When a male is ready to mate उ:   इसने जनता को जोड़ा है तो विभाजित भी किया है। जोडे में से एकना Ex:  It is thought that Bald Eagles mate for life. जोड़े में से एक Ex:  Hunting partridges state, when they cease to move by companies to mate; by extension, where the partridge season mate दादरस Ex:  In this season, the pigeons mate दुकड़ा Ex:  It also said the mate infusion दूजण Ex:  It says still Animals that mate with their females पति पत्नी Ex:  It would want to mate the wolf and the lamb परिगृहीता Ex:  Take someone to mate for a colleague in dignity, a job in a company, etc पीट पठिंगा Ex:  These two canaries, these two pigeons mate पृष्ठपोषक Ex:  To choose a mate बराबर वाला बराबर वालाना मिलवना मिलाना मेरवना मेराना मेलना युक्तक शिराकती संगीना संप्रयोजित Ex:  legitimate Father, He who had a child of a legitimate marriage संभोग करना सखा सजु सध्रीचीन सब्रह्मचारी सम्मोदिक सहचारी सहस्थ, सहस्थित सहाइ सहायक उ:   सरयू काली की सबसे बड़ी सहायक नदी है। साथी उ:   मर्मज्ञ साथी एक कुर्सी पर बैठता है। साथीना साहाय्यकर साह्यकृत् सैसंगी हमअसर हमजोली हवाली मवाली हस्तप्रद जोड़
Other : अवेक्षक Ex:  Cotton and yerba mate are major crops in the Gran Chaco सहचारिणी
Mate ki paribhasha : jaaanch padtaal karanevaala ek prakaar ka kapad jo vivaah aadi men var ka paajaama tatha striyon ke lahange ityaadi ke banaane ke kaam men aata hain kisi stri se anuchit snbndh rakhanevaala purush vah jo kisi kaam men sab se aage ho saahity men vah vyakti jo naayak ka sahachar ho aur jo sukh du:kh men usake samaan sukh du:kh ko praapt ho jahaaj ka ek karmachaari jisaka kaam jahaaj ke aphasar ki sahaayata karana hai vah chhoti nadi jo kisi badi nadi men milati ho ek padaarth men doosara padaarth dalana
Mate synonyms
comrade acquaintance buddy companion bride roommate schoolmate spouse colleague sidekick concomitant helper twin cohort intimate duplicate assistant pal friend crony associate familiar complement chum peer compeer reciprocal consort double groom counterpart helpmate match coordinate alter ego coworker playmate classmate analog bedmate land join copulate couple wed serve procreate merge yoke tie generate cohabit tie the knot crossbreed
Mate antonyms
enemy foe opponent stranger antagonist detractor disjoin refrain disconnect abstain uncouple fail lose divide separate
Usage of Mate in sentences

The word is used as noun verb in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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