Mature meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Mature
As verb : देय Ex:  As Komodo dragons mature उ:   दृश्य फिल्मांकन एवं फोटोग्राफी के लिए भी कोई शुल्क देय नहीं है।
पचत Ex:  Females are thought likely to become sexually mature in their second year परिपक्व Ex:  In later mature Daoist tradition उ:   परिपक्व अवस्था वाले कम जगह ही हैं। पूरा बनाना Ex:  God must have created a mature Earth with mountains and canyons प्रोढ़ Ex:  Josquin's mature style evolved during this period प्रौढ़ Ex:  Prior to Josquin's mature period उ:   प्रौढ़ कीट पर कभी भी आक्रमण नहीं होता। प्रौढ‌़ Ex:  The numbering of his mature symphonies is approximately in order of publishing विनाशोन्मुख Ex:  Marx saw more advanced modes of production as growing out of mature capitalism प्रौढ
As adjective : निष्टप्त Ex:  In his mature music dramas पका हुआ Ex:  While typical mature storms have eyes that are a few dozen miles across पक्त्रिम Ex:  In the 1990s she shifted to more mature roles पचत Ex:  Females are thought likely to become sexually mature in their second year पाकिम Ex:  The mature plant is pulled up with the roots पूर्ण विकसित Ex:  Zeus was represented in art as a long-haired youth rather than a mature adult प्ररुढ़ Ex:  Like von Meck, Vittoria was a mature widow. विपक्त्रिम Ex:  In these cases it will be decades more before mature forest can return व्याकोच Ex:  It is sexually mature at four years or five years of age. श्रपित Ex:  Bald Eagles are sexually mature at four or five years of age.
Other : तैयार करना Ex:  Dragons take about three to five years to mature पक्व Ex:  A mature Common Raven is between 56 and 69 cm in length पातनीय Ex:  As is common in mature Wagner operas
Mature ki paribhasha : taantrikon ka chaubis aksharon ka ek mntr ek prakaar ki ghaas jo nichi bhoomi men hoti hai jo kaam men aane ke liye bilakul upayukt ho gaya ho anaaj ya phal jo pusht hokar khaane ke yogy ho gaya ho jisaka ansh ya vibhaag na kiya gaya ho athava jisake tukade ya vibhaag na hue hon pakvaavastha ko pahuanch jaana
Mature synonyms
matured sophisticated prime complete fit developed ripe cultured prepared cultivated ready seasoned mellow settled perfected mellowed full-blown full-fledged full-grown ripened in full bloom of age in one's prime evolve mushroom blossom advance flower culminate maturate progress arrive round fill out grow up attain majority become experienced become wise come of age reach adulthood reach majority settle down shoot up
Mature antonyms
unsuitable immature inexperienced ignorant unprepared young youthful unripe unready green decrease lessen shrivel wither retreat retrogress halt stop shrink
Usage of Mature in sentences

The word is used as adjective verb in english grammar. The word can be used as, verb or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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