Mean meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Mean
As noun : अंकूलना Ex:  I mean no harm
अखज Ex:  make mean to build. अत्याहितकर्मा Ex:  He is a very mean person. अनुदार Ex:  To win, they needed a good mean run rate. अभिप्राय होना Ex:  She is mean & merciless. अभिलाषना Ex:  Did I mishear you or do you mean what you said? अमुक्तहस्त Ex:  These words mean nothing to me! अरम Ex:  I didn't mean that. अर्थ होना Ex:  find mean of these numbers अवकृष्ट Ex:  Winning in elections is no mean feat. अवाङमुख Ex:  Let me introduce the word hypertext to mean a body of written or pictorial material interconnected in such a complex way that it could not conveniently be presented or represented on paper आढ़ Ex:  I didn't mean to break in on your discussion . आसादन Ex:  I didn't mean that Mrs . इंस्ट्रूमेंट Ex:  John is in the bag and mean as hell . इच्छा करना Ex:  I hate Tammy! She's always mean to me . इष्टिपच Ex:  I mean these remarks for the government . उज्जना Ex:  Did you mean to do that? No, it was an accident . उद्देश्य होना Ex:  I didn't mean to hurt you . उपकारण Ex:  I didn't mean to open my heart to you . उशाना Ex:  I didn't mean to seem to presume upon you . एषण Ex:  I didn't mean to ruff le his feathers . एष्टि Ex:  I didn't mean to run into you . औसत Ex:  I didn't mean to walk in on you . उ:   औसत वार्षिक वर्षा १११०.७ मि.मी होती है। Ex:  I hate you! Mary: You can't mean that . उ:   'ऊँचे लोग १९६५ बम्बई में बनी हिन्दी भाषा की फिल्म क नाम है। कंजरवेटिव Ex:  "I mean that in all seriousness कंजूस Ex:  July is the warmest month with a mean temperature of 71.9 °F कनौड़, कनौड़ा Ex:  The low volume of powder gases mean that . कमजर्फ Ex:  "We know how much these games mean to the viewing audience कमींण Ex:  Marriage vows mean nothing to him कमीना Ex:  AC voltage is often expressed as a root mean square value करमट्टा Ex:  This does not mean that Gaddafi had renounced the goals he had set for Chad किंपच, किंपचान Ex:  "I mean to make it some day," Chaplin wrote कुंड़कोल Ex:  "wicked and worthless", "a mean spirit", and a "tyrant". कुच्छित, कुच्छित Ex:  The "notes of hand" mean signatures कुवा Ex:  As one who used "infinitive" to mean the single-word verb कृतशोभ Ex:  These requirements mean that in England क्रपण Ex:  I mean to direct all my actions by good advice and counsel. गड्डामी Ex:  These names mean simply Dawn and Daystar गन्दी Ex:  Some use the term strongly typed to mean strongly उ:   गन्दी वायु रोगों का कारण बनती है। घटिया Ex:  In reality this did not mean much given Bhutan's historical reticence. घासलेटो Ex:  , is used to mean "You ain't lying". चमररग Ex:  This may mean that HIV-1 is better able to mutate . चाबुकदस्त Ex:  July, and August, with mean temperatures of 13.8 to 24.8 °C . चाहना Ex:  January, and February, with mean temperatures of −4.6 to -1.1 °C . च्योना Ex:  ", "Do you mean Mark? जबून Ex:  The mean height of land above sea level is 686 m. जरपरस्त Ex:  The word can also mean slowpoke. जाख Ex:  November to March have the highest mean wind speeds जुजरस Ex:  For the Sun, the surface is taken to mean the photosphere. ठवनापु Ex:  It has a mean annual rainfall of 1544 mm ढाँढा Ex:  July, and August, with mean temperatures of 16.7 to 17.9 °C . तंगदिल Ex:  January, and February, with mean temperatures of −0.4 to 1.2 °C . तंगमजर Ex:  At 345 feet above mean sea level तात्पर्य होना Ex:  Based on measures such as rigid-body root mean square distance त्रीघटना Ex:  "What we mean is an album that has the power दक्ष Ex:  The mean residence time of water in the North sea is between 1 and two years. उ:   दक्ष की सोलह बेटियां थी। दक्षकन्या Ex:  At the Wawona Entrance , mean daily temperature ranges from 36 to 67 °F . दुनियापरस्त Ex:  "traditional story", or "story about gods" but it does not mean "false story". दृढ़मुष्टि Ex:  Winter mean sea level is higher than in summer. नगरकाक Ex:  On the other hand, the Ruthenian word ziat' can mean not only "son-in-law" निकृती Ex:  Allāh al-ibn mean God the son निकृष्ट Ex:  It can mean poetry written in England उ:   यह साबुन निकृष्ट कोटि का होता है, पर अपेक्षया सस्ता होता है। निखूटनापु Ex:  Such commercial extinction does not mean that the fish itself goes extinct निगुणा Ex:  Though often used interchangeably, these words actually mean different things. निरथाना Ex:  Its mean elevation is 3,300 feet . निरनुग्रह Ex:  The specific name musculus is Latin and could mean "muscular" नीच Ex:  Their names mean respectively "north of the River" and "south of the River". उ:   तथा इसके विपरीत ग्रह अपने नीच बिन्दु पर शून्य बल प्राप्त करता है। नुत्फाहराम Ex:  The mean population center of Maine is located in Kennebec County पंक्तिदूषक Ex:  Similarly, e psilon and u psilon mean “plain e” and “plain u”, respectively. पत्थरचटा Ex:  "I would ask these gentlemen what they mean by the term 'democracy'. पशेमान Ex:  Do they mean Chartism or Communism or Republicanism? पापयोनि Ex:  -uštra- is universally accepted to mean ‘camel’. पावँर Ex:  "Blind area" or "blindspot" can mean an area where someone cannot see, e. प्रदानकृपण Ex:  Robot has come to mean mechanical humans प्राचेतस् Ex:  The Kingdom Plantae is often taken to mean this monophyletic grouping. प्रातिधान Ex:  Norig would essentially mean ostarrîchi and Österreich, thus Austria. फलसाधन Ex:  Many others still use the term race but use it to mean a population फल्गुद Ex:  Over time, the meaning of "meta" has shifted to mean "beyond बद् धमुष्टि Ex:  Another popular explanation comes from the interpretation of El to mean "power" बाहेर Ex:  Hebrew grammar allows for this form to mean "He is the Power over powers " बिड़ Ex:  Elohim then would mean "the all-powerful One" मतलब होना Ex:  The term "watershed" is also used to mean a boundary between catchments मध्यमान Ex:  'Asian American' can mean East Asian Americans उ:   जिसका निर्देशांक उन मानों का मध्यमान है जिसे लेकर हमने शुरुआत की थी। मध्यस्थिति Ex:  This does not mean that they are unable to make a decision. मानवर्जित Ex:  The word 'vazhi' in Tamil can mean the way मामक Ex:  It could be applied broadly to mean any symbolic record मायने रखना Ex:  Very low temperatures mean that precipitation often occurs in the form of snow म्लेच्छ Ex:  And the word "town" may mean the center of the city. रकीक Ex:  The city has a population of 4,140,890 , and a mean elevation of 850 m . रखना Ex:  At present, water shortages mean that the lakes are often largely dry land. उ:   अतः चुम्बकों को इनसे दूर रखना चाहिए। रालना Ex:  At about above mean sea level रिप्र Ex:  All of these have mean diameters of more than 400 km लज्जित Ex:  The mean maximum temperature for this period is . उ:   लज्जित होकर दिति ने इस कर्म का परिमार्जन करने की प्रार्थना की। लतखोरा Ex:  The two Chinese characters in the name "Shanghai" literally mean "up लतखोरा Ex:  The two Chinese characters in the name "Shanghai" literally mean "up लफ्तरा Ex:  Therefore i-spn-ya would mean "the land where metals are forged". लोकवर्तन Ex:  The mean Q score in a population is 100 . वशन Ex:  He probed cautiously, �I don't understand what you mean . विठंक Ex:  It is used today to mean someone who is not an Indian . विठंक Ex:  It is used today to mean someone who is not an Indian . वियोनि Ex:  This would mean a formula of O3 and this is called ozone . वृत्तसादी Ex:  adjectively which works in French to mean who is indispensable, without which nothing can be done, can not occur वेरट Ex:  adverbially HALF is also used to mean half व्रीलस Ex:  affectionner sometimes mean something be interested affectionately, warmly शौंडि Ex:  AGGRAVATED mean Become worst श्रमण Ex:  AGREE means Knowing what we mean उ:   वैदिको ने श्रमण संस्कृति को बाद में उपनिषदो में अपनाया। संवृत्ति Ex:  BAD Who does not yet mean that the qualities it must be सकुचना Ex:  BETWEEN TWO works adverbially to mean two things between सज्जकर्म Ex:  but one never uses that to mean Christ the Redeemer सन्निवेश Ex:  Buy something mean to someone The buy him सन्यासन Ex:  By extension, thanks Good, Bad Way to mean through which pleases or displeases be under समासादन Ex:  Character of what is mean समुत्पत्ति Ex:  CONTACT mean Go find someone directly, to use its services, either orally or in writing सवैलक्ष्य Ex:  DEATH, IT, is also used as a noun to mean Man, woman सव्रीड Ex:  DÉROUGIR SE DÉROUGIR or intransitive, Become mean less red साधन Ex:  Doing the foot of honors mean in terms of Hunting, Give the foot of the beast, after 'mort, the person you want to honor उ:   झाझा में यातायात का मुख्य साधन रेलवे स्टेशन है। साधनक Ex:  EMBELLIR intransitive, and Se EMBELLIR mean Become more beautiful सापत्नप Ex:  EN still used to form words, especially verbs, which mean Garnish, put in, etc स्रस्तस्कंध Ex:  EXPECT to, EXPECT THAT mean Keeping assured of something like हथकड़ा Ex:  Extend arms to someone ' one can also mean figuratively Beseech her aid हिँछना ‡ Ex:  FACE mean figuratively condition, business situation हिंछना ‡ Ex:  figuratively, it may mean even things, especially in Poetry हीँछना Ex:  FRESH is also used to mean adverbially Newly recently हीछना Ex:  FUN Enjoying mean something हेचकस Ex:  GETTING still mean Go towards, lead हेचकस Ex:  GETTING still mean Go towards, lead होना Ex:  Highest mean sometimes Above, in the above उ:   इनके लिये व्यक्ति को अभिप्रेरित नहीं होना पड़ता। ह्रित Ex:  Horseback Riding mean Walking Horse ह्रेपित Ex:  I do not very clearly understand what you mean
As verb : मतलब Ex:  Naturally occurring greenhouse gases have a mean warming effect of about 33 °C उ:   नागासाकी का मतलब "लम्बा प्रायद्वीप" है। माअनी Ex:  And I do not mean that the situation is a simple situation. मुद्दआ Ex:  Composition does not always mean the use of notation
Other : अवर Ex:  the deviation from the mean उ:   "ब्रिंग अवर धोतियाँ" प्रयोग वहाँ अशुद्ध समझा जाएगा। आशय होना Ex:  The term "logic" he reserved to mean dialectics. ओछा Ex:  I didn't mean to subject you to Uncle Harry . औसत दर्जे का Ex:  I didn't mean to unburden myself to you . कमहैसियत Ex:  But that doesn't mean you lie to people. कमीन Ex:  Feng shui can also mean the 'aura' in or around a dwelling. क्षुद्र Ex:  But that does not mean that a Cockatiel गरीब Ex:  Slower trains would also mean that the maximum track cant would be limited उ:   यह देश के गरीब किसानों के साथ की गई धोखाधड़ी है। टुच्चा Ex:  Its mean temperature range is in January and in July. निम्न Ex:  Chrysolithos is considered by scholars to possibly mean Topaz उ:   इस नाम से निम्न लेख हैं। नीचा Ex:  That would simply mean that one should try a different approach. उ:   कभी कभी उन्हें नीचा दिखाया गया, विजित किया गया और गुलाम भी बनाया गया। पाजी Ex:  Coastal and delta regions have mean temperatures of 32 °C . पामर Ex:  The word "beweechgelickhijt" is also argued to mean "emotion" or "motive". उ:   कुछ पट्रियाँ व्हिटियर, पामर और नॉर्थ पोल तक जाती हैं। बद Ex:  Ehyeh asher ehyeh is generally interpreted to mean "I will be what I will be" उ:   आंकड़े बताते हैं कि २००४ के पश्चात् स्थिति बद से बदतर होती चली गई। मध्यक Ex:  Thus, in British English, 'Asian' can mean South Asian मध्यवर्ती बिंदु या राशि Ex:  Both words mean 'kind', 'type', or 'sort'. महत्व Ex:  By method authors mean an arrangement of minerals उ:   सत्यार्थप्रकाश से हिन्दी भाषा का महत्व बढ़ा। माध्य Ex:  Shalom can also mean "hello" and "goodbye". उ:   हमारी घड़ियों में माध्य सौर काल उपयोग में लाया जाता है। माध्यम Ex:  The mean depth is 4 metres. उ:   उसे परीक्षा का माध्यम न बनाया जाये। लघु Ex:  The term "field galaxy" is sometimes used to mean an isolated galaxy उ:   इनमें अंतराआण्विक दूरियाँ लघु होती हैं। संकुचित Ex:  ALL ALONG, THE ALL ALONG mean also during the entire period of उ:   उपमा आदि के लिए अलंकार शब्द का संकुचित अर्थ में प्रयोग किया गया है। हेठा Ex:  Having booming tells is hardly to own in terms of Marine, but he said figuratively to mean being assisted, favored by circumstances
Mean ki paribhasha : sngit men ek saptak jisake svaron ka uchchaaran vakshasthal se knth ke andar ke sthaanon se kiya jaata hai vah raashi jo sam snkhya par pade pretaadi aatmaaon ko bulaane ya vashibhoot karanevaala pradhaan sattaarthak kriya jisaki daara ya patni bhali aur anagaman karanevaali ho phalit jyotish men vah sthaan jo kisi grah ke uchch sthaan se saatavaaan ho kisi vastu par ya kisi vastu ke andar doosari vastu sthit karana lene ya paane ki ichchha prakat karana vah snkhya jo kai sthaanon ki bhinn bhinn snkhyaaon ko jodne aur us jod ko, jitane sthaan hon utane se bhaag dene par nikalati ho jisamen kisi kaam ko chatapat sugamataapoorvak karane ki shakti ho
Usage of Mean in sentences

The word can be used as noun, verb or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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