Means meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Means
As noun : आय Ex:  Thin means not fat . उ:   इनसे बैंक को आय होती और लाभ मिलता है।
इंस्ट्रूमेंट Ex:  Street car is an effective means of transport. इनकम Ex:  There are various means of transport. उ:   इस छोटे-से देश में भी कोई पर्सनल इनकम टैक्स नहीं देना होता। उपकारण Ex:  The means are more important than the achievements. उपाय Ex:  You should find a means to reach there. उ:   वे इनसे बचने के अनेक उपाय रच लेते हैं। औपयिक Ex:  I need to get there soon by any means . चिकीर्षित Ex:  Nunavut means 'our land' in Inuktitut, the language of the Inuit. जुक्ति Ex:  Confucianism is criticized for not providing such a means itself. जुगति Ex:  Timur means "iron" in the Mongolian language and Chagatai language. डौलडाल Ex:  The characters in a tragedy are merely a means of driving the story तात्पर्य Ex:  "Friday night" usually means the entire night between Friday and Saturday. उ:   'षष्टिखात' का तात्पर्य साठ तालों से है। धन दौलत Ex:  Arbaete Asmera which literally means नाणा Ex:  , which means "descent". पैदा ‡ Ex:  This means that in non-Euclidean geometry प्रथमकल्प Ex:  Collecting stamps is not just a means toward pleasure. फलसाधन Ex:  Aviv, literally means "spring" मफर Ex:  Lord Sabaoth, translated from the Jewish tongue, means “Lord of Hosts”. महांसिल Ex:  The Tibetan name for Sikkim is Denjong, which means the "valley of rice". मुद्दआ Ex:  This means that for a closed system मुहासिल Ex:  "Tajikistan" means the "Land of the Tajiks" in Persian. लोकवर्तन Ex:  Hence, it means that He is not limited by space, time or substance. साधन Ex:  This means that as time goes by उ:   यही साधन का साध्य बन जाता है। साधनक Ex:  The state's name means "Land of the Indians", or simply "Indian Land". सूपाय Ex:  The Rigvedic term dhana means rice. सोनाचांदी Ex:  The name Tachyglossus means "quick tongue" हथकड़ा Ex:  Elephants are called pachyderms, which means thick-skinned animals. हथकड़ा Ex:  Elephants are called pachyderms, which means thick-skinned animals. हुसूल Ex:  Nicholas Allen using means available to da Vinci
As verb : ढेबुवा Ex:  Serendib, or Ratna – Dweepa which means Gem Island. पैका Ex:  Preahreachanachâk Kampuchea means "Kingdom of Cambodia". पैसा Ex:  This means that the future उ:   पैसा नहीं है पास, तो कोई नहीं है खास।
Other : अभिकरण Ex:  a means of control उ:   यह समाचार अभिकरण की फीचर सर्विस भी बड़ी लोकप्रिय है। अस्त्र Ex:  the ends justify the means उ:   भगवान विश्वरूप अनगिनत हाथ तथा अस्त्र वाले हैं। आसंग Ex:  Before automobiles, gigs were the main means of transport. कारण Ex:  Did you put this box here? Tom: By no means . उ:   इसी कारण नक्सलवाद को 'माओवाद' भी कहा जाता है। चारा Ex:  Such means include : Most cabinets incorporate a top of some sort. उ:   इसका एक प्रसिद्ध उदाहरण बिहार और झारखंड राज्यों का चारा घोटाला था। चाल Ex:  Aztecatl means "someone who comes from Aztlán". उ:   खिलाड़ी अवैध चाल को सुधार सकता है यदि उसने अपनी घड़ी न दबाई हो। ज़रिया Ex:  Suomirock is the word that means Finnish rock music. तदबीर Ex:  Frank means free as opposed to slave. तरकीब Ex:  France is still called Frankreich, which literally means "Realm of the Franks". बिधि Ex:  They can be driven by a variety of means उ:   जेहि बिधि भई सो सब तेहिं कही। मध्यपद Ex:  Bhots-ant means "End of Tibet" or "South of Tibet" माध्यम Ex:  This means that small details उ:   शिक्षा का माध्यम बंगाली है। वसीला Ex:  Δανα in Old Persian means river. से अभिप्रेत है Ex:  The name "Almaty" means "rich with apple"
Means ki paribhasha : hindi ya varnamaala ka unnisavaaan vynjan aur tavarg ka chautha varn jisaka uchchaaran sthaan dntamool hai vah jisake dvaara koi kaary snpann ho taaanbe ka sabase adhik chalata sikka jo pahale aane ka chautha aur rupae ka chausathavaaan bhaag hota tha raajaniti men shutr par vijay paane ki sukti vah bhaav jo kisi vaaky ko kahakar kahanevaala prakat karana chaahata ho pooraani hindi ke aasana ya aahana hona kriya ka vartamaanakalik rup pretaadi aatmaaon ko bulaane ya vashibhoot karanevaala
Usage of Means in sentences

The word can be used as noun, verb or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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