Measure up meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Measure up
As noun :
बराबर होना
Measure up synonyms
do clarify satisfy conform lick correlate fit crack suffice work serve correspond unzip suit elucidate dope fill deal with dope out work through compare reach match break even comprise equipoise level emulate rival tally parallel coordinate equate equalize balance approach agree come up to consist of be commensurate be identical be level be tantamount equiponderate keep pace with live up to partake of rank with rise to run abreast square with gratify execute handle discharge fulfill comply cope with enable score certify train entitle ready authorize empower permit commission sanction endow condition ground get by hack it make the cut capacitate come up to snuff cut it fill the bill make it make the grade earn one's wings draw deadlock be even be neck and neck be on a par even up keep up with come to be a match for be in the same league come near hold a candle to verge on total be equal to check with develop into total up to jibe be verifiable come through with flying colors come up to scratch cut the mustard do credit to find favor with meet with approval pass inspection prove acceptable recommend itself satisfy requirements stand the test stand up
Measure up antonyms
dissatisfy refuse miss fail differ lose receive take disagree ask question disconnect vary separate imbalance disproportion unmatch disregard disjoin avoid dodge leave neglect divide cancel deny reject disallow disqualify be lenient be unprepared detach loosen go ahead surpass unfasten unlace untie fall behind succeed cower shrink shy away secrete
Usage of Measure up in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi 
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