Meddle meaning in hindi
As verb : काम में हस्तक्षेप करना Ex:  Dont meddle in my affairs!
दखल देना Ex:  , Between a rock and a hard place we must not put our finger, You must not meddle in family discussions पँगा लेना Ex:  Be rest of my stuff, Do not meddle in हस्तक्षेप Ex:  FOREIGN means by extension Who does not meddle of a thing, a matter which is no part उ: लेकिन, रूस के हस्तक्षेप से जापान की प्रभुता बहुत हद तक सीमित हो गई। हाथ लगाना Ex:  I do not meddle in your affairs more
Meddle ki paribhasha : kisi hote hue kaam men kuchh kaarravaayi kar baithana ya baat bhidana
ExamplesMeddle synonyms
hinder intrude tamper impose infringe impede advance snoop encumber inquire interlope interpose trespass encroach obtrude molest pry invade barge in busybody butt in horn in mess around kibitz abuse rights break in on chime in come uninvited crash the gates dabble in fool with intermeddle mix in push in put two cents in sidewalk-superintend stick nose in worm in Meddle antonyms
aid assist facilitate retreat avoid dodge ignore forward help leave alone yield stay out of Usage of Meddle in sentences
The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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