Mediate meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Mediate
As verb : बीच बचाव करना Ex:  No one wants to mediate between them .
बीच में पडना Ex:  Wilson unsuccessfully tried to mediate a settlement. बीच में पड़ना Ex:  Action to mediate बीचौला Ex:  Communication of a disease by mediate or immediate contact मध्यस्थ करना Ex:  Heir mediate मध्यस्थ का काम करना Ex:  If used to say mediate a case मध्यस्थता करना Ex:  Jurisdiction mediate
Other : मियाना Ex:  MEDIUM is also said of a person who goes to mediate between living beings and what is called the world of minds
Mediate synonyms
resolve intercede intervene negotiate interfere arbitrate settle reconcile deal conciliate referee interpose umpire intermediate moderate propitiate bring to terms step in meet halfway act as middle go fifty-fifty make a deal make peace restore harmony strike happy medium trade off
Mediate antonyms
refuse argue contend disagree fight
Usage of Mediate in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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