Medicine meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Medicine
As noun : अवलेह Ex:  he studied medicine at Harvard
आयुर्द्रव्य Ex:  It is a medicine for topical or local application. आयुर्विज्ञान Ex:  The medicine contains wormwood. उ:   यह विश्व के सबसे पुराने आयुर्विज्ञान संस्थानों में से एक हैं। आरोग्यशाला Ex:  Quinine is the only medicine for malaria. ओषध Ex:  Some people take medicine without a physicians advice. औखध Ex:  I was relieved of headache by the medicine but its after-effect was
stomach ache.
औषधि देना Ex:  homeopathic medicine औषधि Ex:  I called at the druggist's for some medicine . उ:   यह औषधि के काम में आता है। औषधी Ex:  That medicine I took really cleaned me out . उ:   औषधी पौदे और वृक्ष भी हैं। चिकित्सा पद्धति Ex:  She daubed the medicine on . चिकित्सा शास्ट्र Ex:  Dissolve this medicine in water . चिकित्सा Ex:  The salesman extolled the medicine as a cure-all . उ:   यह भारत की प्राचीन चिकित्सा पद्धति है। चिगछ Ex:  She fought down the nasty-tasting medicine . तबावत Ex:  Sharon graduated with honors in medicine . दवा Ex:  I have some medicine for that disease . उ:   एनीमिया में अंगूर से बढ़कर कोई दवा नहीं है। दवाई Ex:  Karen sent out Liz for some medicine . उ:   डॉक्टर से दवाई के बारे में बात करें। दवादर्पन Ex:  There is really no good medicine for this . भिषग्जित Ex:  Hippocrates taught and practiced medicine throughout his life भिषज्य Ex:  Ten days of experimental medicine successfully reopened the artery. मुआलिजा Ex:  Ann touted her medicine as a cure-all . मेडिसिन Ex:  Chinese traditional medicine उ:   इस पद्धति को न्यूक्लियर मेडिसिन भी कहा जाता है। रोगघ्न Ex:  Kiev is also noted for its research in medicine and computer science. रोगह Ex:  They received medicine रोगहर Ex:  Berlin has a long tradition as a city of medicine and medical technology. उ:   शिशु में असाधारण रोगहर शक्तियां थी और वह अत्यंत विषैला था। रोगिवल्लभ Ex:  Siddha and Unani medicine in India. लह्य Ex:  His ideas formed the basis of orthomolecular medicine वैदंगा Ex:  The Department of Health provided 4 million dollars towards medicine वैधक Ex:  Trimmer and Kaplan hope the SoftBot will help "spark revolutions in medicine
Other : ओषधि Ex:  I faced a tradeoff between eating and buying my medicine उ:   सोडियम बेंज़ोएट ओषधि में प्रयुक्त होता है। औषध Ex:  The new medicine has undergone trials before entering the market. उ:   औषध में भी पारे का बहुत प्रयोग होता है । कायचिकित्सा Ex:  Dab on some medicine . उ:   कायचिकित्सा के विशेषज्ञों को 'चरकाः' या 'चरक' कहा जाता है। भेषज Ex:  Guevara studied medicine and traveled "" throughout Latin America उ:   संस्कृत में भेषज का ज्ञान रखने वाले को 'भिषक' कहा जाता है।
Medicine ki paribhasha : vah dravy jisase roganaash ho rog door karanevaali vastu ya dava kisi vastu par se apana svatv hataakar usapar doosare ka svatv sthaapit karana lie jo na adhik gaadhi aur na adhik patali ho aur chaati jaay vah vastu jisase koi rog ya vyatha door ho rog door karane ki yukti ya kriya
Medicine synonyms
pharmaceutical medication antibiotic drug remedy prescription pill anesthetic tincture antidote balm salve dose tablet vaccination physic tonic potion antiseptic ointment lotion capsule elixir medicament injection antitoxin liniment sedative inoculation serum vaccine biologic pharmacon
Medicine antonyms
Usage of Medicine in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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