Meditate meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Meditate
As verb : का इरादा करना Ex:  I will meditate on that happy thought .
छेडना Ex:  Action meditate तपस्या करना Ex:  It is a book to meditate ध्यान करना Ex:  meditate deeply ध्यान लगाना Ex:  Self meditate inside of ध्यानना Ex:  There are people who are unable to meditate सौँरना० Ex:  , Roll great plans in his head, meditate great designs
Other : विचार करना Ex:  what do you dream? It also means Think, meditate deeply on something
Meditate ki paribhasha : kisi prakaar ka nirnay karake parinaam nikaalane ya bhavitavy ko jaanane ke liye buddhi ka upayog karana chhou ya khod khaadakar bhadkaana ya tng karana
Meditate synonyms
ponder ruminate consider figure devise design deliberate moon cogitate scheme roll intend track muse reflect purpose revolve speculate study weigh view dream think plan brood over entertain idea have in mind mull over put on thinking cap puzzle over say to oneself think deeply think over
Meditate antonyms
ignore disregard disbelieve neglect forget dismiss
Usage of Meditate in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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