Medley meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Medley
As noun : अनेक भिन्न द्रव्यों का मिश्रण Ex:  Judy Garland performed a medley of Porter's songs at the 37th Academy Awards
अलग अलग का मेल{चीजों या व्यक्तियों} Ex:  Yankovic also includes a medley of various songs on most albums गीत समूह Ex:  This is a strange medley भिन्न वस्तुएं मिलाया हुआ मिश्र उ:   इसी प्रकार सदल मिश्र की भाषा में पूर्वीपन है। मिश्रगीत मिश्रित तैराकी संमिश्रण
Other : खिचड़ी Ex:  He did a medley of all this, we did not understand गड्ड Ex:  L The orchestra performed a medley of Faust, Carmen घालमेल Ex:  , medley style, disparate tones blend
Medley ki paribhasha : kai bhinn prakaar ki vastu ki ek saath milaavat
Medley synonyms
jumble mixture patchwork farrago variety hodgepodge confusion collection composition melee salmagundi conglomeration brew pastiche assortment mishmash potpourri mã©lange mixed bag mingling combo pasticcio
Medley antonyms
order organization loneness singularity
Usage of Medley in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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