Meekly meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Meekly
As adverb : उपजोषण Ex:  It still means Replicate, allege excuses at Instead of meekly receive orders or reprimands
कुपिया चुपचाप उ:   उसने चुपचाप पीछे से आकर महाराज की आँखें मींच लीं। छिपाछिपी दब्बूपन से नर्मी से मृदुलता से सीरापु
Meekly synonyms
indifferently delicately moderately quietly lightly calmly gingerly kindly softly tenderly blandly compassionately genially imperturbably mollifyingly soothingly temperately tepidly tolerantly tranquilly bravely dispassionately enduringly forbearingly impassively resignedly submissively
Meekly antonyms
harshly roughly violently
Usage of Meekly in sentences

The word is used as adverb in english grammar. The word can be used as verb or adverb in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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