Melodious meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Melodious
As adjective : टीपदार Ex:  She is a melodious singer.
मंजुस्वन Ex:  Chant, air, melodious मदुर Ex:  In a melodious manner मधरा Ex:  melodious voice मधुर Ex:  The swan song, melodious song that poets attributed to the dying swan उ:   तेरी मधुर मुक्ति ही बंधन, गंध हीन तू गंध युक्त बन। मनोरवा ‡पु० मिष्टत मीठ मीठे शब्द का मुधरा मृदुभाषी रसीला सुखश्रव, सुखश्राव्य सुरीला सुरीली स्वरवान् स्वरसंपन्न
Melodious ki paribhasha : sngit men svar ka ek bhed
Melodious synonyms
melodic tuneful musical accordant agreeable clear dulcet euphonious mellifluous mellow pleasing resonant soft sweet symphonic euphonic harmonic symphonious assonant canorous concordant in tune silvery songful sweet-sounding tuned well tuned
Melodious antonyms
discordant grating inharmonious
Usage of Melodious in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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