Melt meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Melt
As noun : कम होना Ex:  Emperor Menelik's army would begin to melt away.
गलना Ex:  Some cheeses, like raclette, melt smoothly धीरे धीरे आँखों से ओझल होना Ex:  For instance, atomic theory implies that all metals melt at some temperature. धीरे धीरे घुल जाना Ex:  In the direct melt process पंघरना ‡ Ex:  In the marble melt process पिगलना Ex:  Action melt or blend पिघलना Ex:  Burn, melt the characters पिघलाना Ex:  Hitting, melt a medal, medals पिघल्ना Ex:  It also means full matrices to melt print Assortment प्रविलय, प्रविलयन Ex:  It did not melt says familiarly Something that has disappeared without that we know what has become विद्रुति Ex:  It is also used by extension to designate the product of a metal melt
As verb : घुलना Ex:  "precipitation at above-zero temperatures will melt घुलाना Ex:  The dry snow zone is a region where no melt occurs, even in the summer. द्रवण होना Ex:  In Antarctica, the snow does not melt even at sea level. नर्म होना Ex:  In the direct melt process पिघलाना[पिघलना Ex:  In terms of ancient medicine, Fluxes remedies, or by ellipse, Fluxes, Remedies which was believed to melt own moods and make them fluid पिघलाना या पिघलना
Other : आँखों से ओझल होना Ex:  This cake is so good it'll melt in your mouth .
Melt ki paribhasha : paani, doodh aadi patali chijon men khool hil mil jaana daab pahuanchaakar ya ragad ke dvaara ekadil karana taap ke kaaran kisi ghan padaarth ka drav rup men hona kisi vastu ke snyojak anuon ko prathak prathak karake use narama, gila ya drav karana kisi kade padaarth ko garami pahuanchaakar drav rup men laana kisi padaarth ke ghanatv ka kam ya nasht hona
Melt synonyms
thaw disintegrate evaporate soften heat warm fade vanish disappear deliquesce run evanesce render merge flow flux fuse disperse go cook diffuse pass away smelt waste away touch mollify relent disarm forgive relax become lenient show mercy
Melt antonyms
coagulate condense solidify freeze cool appear arrive stop divide separate fight worry increase agitate
Usage of Melt in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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