Menacing meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Menacing
As adjective : उदेजय Ex:  In the evening, a dark and menacing storm quickly gathered .
उद्दंतुर Ex:  A menacing sea खुँखार Ex:  menacing Lyrics घोराकार, घोराकृत्ति Ex:  The menacing penalties are not incurred automatically and can not to be inflicted डरावना Ex:  When M is doubled after A, EI or Y, O, U, now second only to say m, as in Gram, Female, Male, Somme, sometimes the two M are pronounced as in Grammar, immediately Huge, menacing त्वेष्य Ex:  Your proud and menacing धमकी―भरा Ex:  , if his eyes were guns, he would kill him, said, speaking of a man who throws another menacing glances पुरहौल बिकराल बिभीषण बेहावन भीमल भोषक
Menacing synonyms
frightening alarming threatening dangerous lowering looming impending approaching imminent minatory overhanging louring intimidatory minacious
Menacing antonyms
assisting remote aiding helping unthreatening
Usage of Menacing in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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