Mess with meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Mess with
As noun : अँगुरियाना Ex:  Please cover up that mess with a cloth .
के साथ छेड़ छाड़ करना Ex:  She will mop up the mess with the rag . परेशान करना Ex:  , This is a man who does not mess with whom we must not joking, this man is an exact, rigorous, severe पिड़काना ।
Mess with synonyms
bedevil annoy nag tease hector irk torment hassle hound badger disturb nudge beleaguer ride tantalize dog insist remind plague importune harry provoke bug worry fret get at be at drive crazy drive up the wall get to pick at work on get in one's hair get on one's nerves peep intrude stare spy poke peek pry interfere meddle nose peer mouse busybody snook poke nose in mess dabble repair play toy monkey doodle putter niggle puddle fix muck about play with take apart trifle with squander dawdle twiddle coquet wanton lounge philander waste fool dilly-dally palter fidget misuse flirt idle loiter fritter fool around horse around string along waste time lollygag potter amuse oneself be insincere fool with fribble futz around indulge in lead on monkey with play games with use up wink at
Mess with antonyms
delight appease calm comfort pacify reassure soothe aid assist make happy please forget help ignore leave alone neglect destroy break work hoard hasten hurry save push rush
Usage of Mess with in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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