Might meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Might
As noun : ईश्वरभाव Ex:  People might laugh on your impractibility.
उंमेठन Ex:  Every brilliant student might have a provident. कसबल Ex:  Other planets might also have alternation of day and night. कसबल Ex:  Other planets might also have alternation of day and night. डंडाकुंडा Ex:  Follow the path, or you might get lost . तविष्या Ex:  He just might take it over . धकिया Ex:  A more modern cache might be 16 KiB धिष्णय Ex:  Several such steckered pairs, up to 13, might be used at one time. निर्वीर्य Ex:  This might be a population of people in a country परभाइ Ex:  The battle at Patay might be compared to Agincourt in reverse. पौरुख Ex:  Had Augustus died earlier , matters might have turned out differently. प्रभाय Ex:  Eiffel might not have been as successful as he would later become. प्रभाव Ex:  It might be the remains of a library of Kos उ:   बौद्ध धर्म का प्रभाव भारत के बाहर भी हुआ। प्रभुत Ex:  As might be inferred from the above list of subfields प्राणचय Ex:  Other cheats might provide an unusual or amusing feature प्राणसार Ex:  Instrumental ensembles for dances might play a basse danse बट्ट ‡ Ex:  Fred Hoyle has proposed that life might exist on comets बल Ex:  His name indicates he might have come from Khwarezm उ:   उसके शरीर में हजार हाथियों का बल था। बलाधिक्य Ex:  A value pluralist might बलु Ex:  White Finland looked to Germany and its military might for support मंत्रबल Ex:  The report on the conquest of Srivijaya however might be an exaggeration. मक्दूर Ex:  Tourists might enjoy San Antonio and El Paso's hispanic culture मेघा Ex:  The law tables of Hammurabi of Babylon might count. रोबदाब Ex:  However, there is one support for the claim that Coster might be the inventor. लियाकत Ex:  Charles II dissolved Parliament because he feared that the bill might pass. वयोधा Ex:  Despite their military might वयोहानि Ex:  Dominica is the only one Christopher Columbus might still recognise. शक्मा Ex:  It might be thought that शत्रि Ex:  By the end of this period Paris might have had as many as 200,000 inhabitants. शवस् Ex:  Luther might have been silenced by the Church शायद Ex:  He also might have titled the book 1984 because he began writing it in 1948 उ:   शायद इसीलिए उसका खेल इंद्रजाल कहलाता है। शुषि Ex:  Fearing that Sarah might be forced from him शुष्ण Ex:  Another question is whether they might support life. सकेग्ना Ex:  Nurse Mayinga might represent the only possible case. सत्ति Ex:  This might be due to his "taming of the Yellow River" सत्वसंप्लव Ex:  To understand how this might work सन्निबध Ex:  A less controversial view might be that self-identity is necessary सामति Ex:  However, the doubling in Hebrew might possibly be secondary. सामर्थ्य Ex:  Pasteur guessed the recovered animals now might be immune to the disease उ:   उनका तनाव सामर्थ्य भी निम्न कोटि का था। स्थाम Ex:  Hitler might have deployed more forces to the Eastern Front हैल Ex:  Although the IVC might have been known to the Sumerians as Meluhha हो सकना Ex:  Later studies suggested that the nebulae might contain protostars होगा{शायद} Ex:  These might be called epiglottalized शक्ति उ:   परन्तु रोग्की अवस्था में यह जीवनी शक्ति रोग ग्रसित हो जाती है।
As verb : सकना Ex:  As might be expected on an island
Other : महाबल Ex:  If they were smaller, only 18 km/h walking/jogging might have been possible.
Might ki paribhasha : taamas aur rauchy manvntar ke indr ka naam taatparyabodh ke liye vaaky ke tin gunon men se ek vah chakkar ya ghumaav jo kisi lachili ya naram vastu ko badhaane ya ghumaane se bich bich men pad jaay itana maan ya adhikaar ki jo baat chaahe kar ya kara sake kisi kaary ke snpaadan karane ki shakti praachin RRishi ka naam jo paraashar ke pita the
Might synonyms
potency efficacy valor control force energy jurisdiction authority powerfulness get-up-and-go adequacy arm strength capacity sinew puissance sway competence vigor prowess punch efficiency domination clout moxie mastery capability peppiness forcefulness command qualification muscle steam vigorousness strenuousness lustiness forcibleness qualifiedness strong arm
Might antonyms
weakness incompetence idleness inactivity lethargy inadequacy lack enervation inability inefficiency helplessness powerlessness impotence ineptness
Usage of Might in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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