Military meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Military
As noun : अस्कर Ex:  Civilians are not allowed to enter military area.
अस्कर Ex:  Civilians are not allowed to enter military area. अस्करी Ex:  He was in the military garb. कांडस्पृष्ट Ex:  There is esp.roundel in our military aircraft. गजव्रज Ex:  Fife is played in the military bands. जंगी Ex:  Some military academies have Jacuzzi. दलबल Ex:  use concise military verbiage ध्वजनी Ex:  The military had BSF back-up फउज ‡ Ex:  It was one that also taxed European military leaders फौज Ex:  In the past, gliders and balloons have also been used as military aircraft उ:   इसीलिये उन्होंने आजाद हिन्द फौज का गठन किया था। फौद ‡ Ex:  East Germany had its own military force. बलकाय Ex:  American military forces finally took over Kabul City बलकाय Ex:  American military forces finally took over Kabul City बलस्थ Ex:  Some responded that it was a military parade, or an artwork. भटबलाग्र Ex:  Mussolini was supported by the military भृतकबल Ex:  Departing from Roman military traditions मलेटरी Ex:  Like other military leaders मुखचीरी Ex:  50 BMG rifles by military sniper units रणवृत्ति Ex:  Octavius was studying and undergoing military training in Apollonia, Illyria. लड़ंगा Ex:  Athens stretched their military activities into Boeotia and Aetolia वरूथवती Ex:  Following a series of military campaigns from 1876 to 1877 वरूथवती Ex:  Following a series of military campaigns from 1876 to 1877 शर्द्ध, शर्ध Ex:  In return, Alexios gave them guides and a military escort. शर्द्ध, शर्ध Ex:  In return, Alexios gave them guides and a military escort. शस्त्रवृत्ति Ex:  Two notable military events occurred during Clinton's second term. ससेन, ससैन Ex:  Elizabeth sent him military support. साहनो Ex:  In addition, these railways served important military functions. सेना सम्बन्धी Ex:  All but one were military officers सेना Ex:  The Royal Bhutan Army is Bhutan's military service. उ:   भारतीय सेना ने भी इसका हिंसक दमन किया। सैन ‡ Ex:  Even as Somalia gained military strength, Ethiopia grew weaker. सैनिक Ex:  The Heavy Vehicles Factory at Avadi produces military vehicles उ:   यहां पर एक सैनिक स्कूल भी प्रस्तावित है। सैनी ‡ Ex:  Despite the United Kingdom's military capabilities सैन्य Ex:  Engineering was originally divided into military engineering उ:   लेकिन केवल सैन्य उपयोग के लिए ही सीमित है। हस्सम Ex:  Within each theater, there may be one or more consecutive military campaigns.
Other : फौजी Ex:  Major military defeats उ:   इससे अंगरेज फौजी कुचलकर मरने लगे। सामरिक Ex:  Very few of the military instructors have a Ph. उ:   वास्‍तव में दौलताबाद की सामरिक स्थिति बहुत ही महत्‍वपूर्ण थी।
Military ki paribhasha : kisi ko aaraam dena ya usaka kaam karana vah jo kisi praani ka vadh karane ke liye niyukt kiya gaya hai
Military synonyms
army fighting militant martial combatant aggressive combative warlike militaristic soldierly warmongering noncivil navy troop service marines soldiery air force servicepeople
Military antonyms
peaceful civilian peaceloving
Usage of Military in sentences

The word is used as adjective noun in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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