Mind boggling meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Mind boggling
As noun : अदृष्टपूर्व
अद्भुतदर्शन अश्रुतपूर्व ओघर विचत्र विलक्षण उ:   मानस का हंस'अनेक रूपों में विलक्षण उपन्यास है। विलक्षन विसदृश
Mind boggling ki paribhasha : jisamen koi vishesh lakshan ya chihn na ho
Mind boggling synonyms
startling breathtaking spectacular surprising stunning astonishing amazing wonderful eye-opening wondrous eye-popping shocking stupefying confounding unimaginable incredible improbable unbelievable unheard-of strange implausible impossible extraordinary unthinkable fantastic phony rare unconvincing unlikely unsubstantial weak imcomprehensible incogitable insupposable reachy unknowable won't fly won't wash psychedelic hallucinatory mind-altering devastating exciting crushing paralyzing overcoming shattering distressing colossal enormous fabulous fat gigantic great huge marvelous miraculous monster monumental phenomenal prodigious radical super superb terrific too much tremendous unreal utmost dynamite smashing titantic
Mind boggling antonyms
ugly believable credible plausible possible tenable likely usual conceivable fathomable imaginable familiar normal common reasonable terrible unimportant unimpressive
Usage of Mind boggling in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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