Misconception meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Misconception
As noun : ईहाम Ex:  You have a misconception about her.
ईहाम Ex:  You have a misconception about her. खाम खयाल Ex:  Contrary to widespread misconception गलत विचार Ex:  It is a common misconception that Nelson's last words were गलतफयमी Ex:  A common misconception is that enamel wears away mostly from chewing चित्तविभ्रम Ex:  Contrary to popular misconception द्विधाद्वंद्व Ex:  Contrary to subsequent misconception निभृत Ex:  Contrary to common misconception Ex:  Hope mistake, or misconception exaggerated that has made one thing भूलचूक Ex:  Persist to support a misconception भृम Ex:  This misconception has become ingrained in the minds भोल ‡ Ex:  What idea do you attach to this word? A misconception भ्रम Ex:  , Having seeing things, evil Judge of something, make a misconception उ:   उनके मन के सभी भ्रम और संशय मिट गये। भ्रांति उ:   इसी प्रकार संविदा के पक्ष की पहचान में भी भ्रांति सम्भव है। भ्रान्त धारणा मतिविपर्यय मिथ्य Ex:  It is a commonly held misconception that every encryption method can be broken. मिथ्या संकल्पना मिथ्याधारणा मिथ्यामति मुगालता मोह उ:   जीवन और शरीर का उन्हें कोई मोह नहीं रहा। मोहोपमा वाहिमा वैचित्य वैधुर्य
Other : ग़लती Ex:  It is a frequent misconception that lines of blinded soldiers उ:   अक्सर ग़लती से इन सभी भाषाओं को एक ही भाषा समझा जाता है। भ्रान्ति
Misconception ki paribhasha : ek prakaar ka kaavyaa- lnkaar kisi chij ya baat ko kuchh ka kuchh samajhana
Misconception synonyms
delusion misunderstanding misinterpretation fallacy fault error misapprehension mistake misconstruction mistaken belief
Misconception antonyms
reality accuracy comprehension perception certainty fact surety truth correctness correction understanding
Usage of Misconception in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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