Misconduct meaning in hindi
As noun : अंधेरगर्दी Ex: He was suspended from his job for misconduct towards his superior.
अनाचार Ex: Student misconduct is reviewed by the Judicial Administrator उ: हिन्दुओं को अत्याचार, अनाचार के समाप्ति की किरण दिखाई। अविनय Ex: donkey ears, Dunce Cap, Cones paper, imitating roughly the shape of a donkey's ear, which is attached on both sides of the head of a child as punishment for misconduct of ignorance कदाचरण Ex: His misconduct decreased its authority, credit कुचरित Ex: It should be ashamed of his misconduct दुराचरण Ex: She visited despised by his misconduct दुराचार Ex: That's where the misconduct leads उ: फिर हम उसी के साथ ऐसा दुराचार कैसे कर सकते है। धर्मलोप Ex: The defeat of Hannibal illustrates the misconduct after Cannes बदचलनी Ex: it by his misconduct he has put into this difficult situation विदूषा
Other : अवचार Ex: Ten-minute misconduct penalties are served in full by the penalized player असदाचार Ex: Getting guilty of misconduct कदाचार Ex: In terms of procedure, Fold fault, thought when, at the hearing, the judge revokes the fault he had given against a party, misconduct by it appearing कुकर्म Ex: It means, ironically, misconduct Trait, malice, etc कुचाल Ex: It was very lightly punished for misconduct so grave कुप्रबन्ध Ex: Mari complacent, dresser, Mari, from interest or some other cause, condone the misconduct of his wife
Misconduct ki paribhasha : vah mukadama jisaka phaisala ghoos aadi ke kaaran thik na hua ho
ExamplesMisconduct synonyms
malfeasance misbehavior impropriety immorality wrongdoing misdemeanor dereliction malpractice mischief offense transgression misdoing naughtiness evil rudeness delinquency mismanagement malversation Misconduct antonyms
behavior obedience manners Usage of Misconduct in sentences
The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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