Misdeed meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Misdeed
As noun : असत्‌ कर्म Ex:  , If quarrel with justice, by some misdeed Expose prosecution of Justice
दुरकरम—पु दुष्कर्म उ:   उसके दुष्कर्म ही उसे ‘अकाल मृत्यु’ में धकेल देते हैं। पाप उ:   ‘‘विवाह न करने से अनेकों पाप लगते हैं। पापकर्म बदफैल बदफैली बिकर्म बुरा काम विचेष्टित
Other : करतूत Ex:  , If quarrel with justice, Expose the pursuit of justice through some misdeed कारिस्तानी कुकर्म पातक
Misdeed ki paribhasha : vah karm jisaka phal is lok aur paralok men ashok ho
Misdeed synonyms
misbehavior violation infringement transgression peccadillo offense misconduct sin miscue dirt fault misdemeanor trespass wrong dirty pool slipup villainy criminality dirty deed malefaction
Misdeed antonyms
behavior manners obedience
Usage of Misdeed in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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