Miserable meaning in hindi
As noun : दयनीय Ex: This man, this family is miserable उ: परिवार की स्थिति दयनीय थी।
दयामण Ex: Vagabond, miserable विकलकरुण
As adjective : अकर्मा Ex: He was miserable on getting the sad news. अत्यंत दुखी Ex: The condition of serfs was miserable in Medival Europe. अधम Ex: The mobster had made life miserable for the locality. उ: इन तीनों को क्रमशः उत्तम, मध्यम और अधम भी कहते हैं। अनहोता Ex: Many people lead a miserable life due to poverty. अनाढ्य Ex: If I couldn't toss off insults, I'd be miserable . अपगीत Ex: The camps are also crowded, unsanitary, and miserable places to live. अवगनना Ex: But after two utterly miserable years at the military academy अवरव्रत Ex: We worked at a pathetic village - miserable huts and dirty. अविकासी Ex: The band described the tour as a miserable experience असंपत्ति Ex: Troilus keeps his love secret and is made miserable by it. असहाई असहाई Ex: Charles led a miserable existence. असहाय Ex: Conditions at the time are reported in Dutch sources as miserable उ: उन्होंने गरीब एवं असहाय लोगों के उद्धार के लिए अनथक प्रयास किए। आरामतलब Ex: A miserable health आर्त, आर्त्त Ex: A miserable sinner उफतदा Ex: A miserable time, a time of corruption, a time of trouble कठा Ex: A writer, a miserable book कम Ex: All the reasons he alleges are miserable उ: कम जनसंख्या के कारण हताहतों की संख्या भी कम थी। कुरिंद Ex: and a woman decried for its misconduct, it is a miserable खाँगो Ex: Conduct a sad life miserable खायक Ex: For exaggeration, he has a miserable horse in his stable गंजित Ex: Good, bad, happy, unhappy, miserable condition गर्हितव्य Ex: His fate is miserable गहंणीय Ex: Housing and miserable that falls in ruins, He lives a hovel गैताल Ex: Housing practiced in the attic and, by extension, miserable and squalid housing घटबढ़ Ex: In the latter sense, sometimes says He is a great miserable चवाली Ex: It is also said of a child, a young vicious man, It's a little miserable छुच्छ Ex: It means figuratively a miserable Housing and messy छेहडा Ex: It means, figuratively and familiarly, which is dirty, miserable छोहनार Ex: Leading a dog's life, Conduct a miserable life जबून Ex: Lowering his eyes on the miserable जेरदस्त Ex: Making a miserable end, die in misery, or Find death in low honorable conditions ठल्लपु० Ex: miserable salary तकलीफ़देह Ex: Speaking of Things, he leads a life he has a miserable existence तपायमान Ex: substantively, Rescue miserable दरमंद Ex: What a miserable refuge that account! Denial is his usual refuge दरमाँदा Ex: Who miserable appearance दरिद्र Ex: You have to be miserable for such action दलिहर Ex: , be miserable like stones, very unhappy दालदी Ex: , Having puny mine, Have a miserable sickly appearance or दालिद्री दुखित दुखी उ: वे कुछ सालों तक दुखी दर-दर भटके। दुर्दशाग्रस्त दयनीय धनहीन नाचार नाचीज नालयक निंदनीय निकम्मा निपग निरसहाय निरूद्यमी निरूद्योग निरूद्योगी निष्कंचन नीचतापूर्ण नीधन, नीधना पलंगतोड़ पांडुपृष्ठ प्रपन्न प्रवाच्य बेनवा बेनसी बेसरोसामान मंदविभव मसकीन मुफलिस म्लायी रकीक रददी रोजीबिगाड़ लफ्तरा विकलकरुण विपत्र शिक्कु संकटी साठनाठ सादद्य सामि सोदधित्व स्वल्पेच्छ हृस्व हेचकस हेचपोच हेचमर्द
Other : कृपण Ex: be reduced to a miserable condition क्षीण Ex: Beggars, whose miserable teeth chatter cold उ: जिस दिन चन्द्रकला क्षीण होता उस दिन अमावास्या माना जाता है। छीन Ex: It is also used as the name says and insult by a lowly Man and miserable उ: उन से उनकी रहने की जगह छीन लिया जा रहा था। दरिद्री Ex: , A bare-feet, a beggar, a miserable निरानंद
Miserable ki paribhasha : jo kisi kaam ka na ho kartavyaakartavy ke vichaar se rahit kaami jisake paas nirvaah ke liye yathesht dhan ho jisake chitt men khed utpann hua ho
ExamplesMiserable synonyms
wretched gloomy tragic pathetic sad afflicted ailing brokenhearted crestfallen dejected desolate despairing despondent destroyed disconsolate discontented distressed doleful dolorous down down in the mouth downcast forlorn heartbroken hopeless hurt ill injured melancholy mournful pained rueful sick sickly sorrowful strained suffering troubled woebegone wounded pitiable ruthful agonized anguished hurting in pain on a downer racked tormented tortured poor meager bad shameful sorry abject contemptible deplorable despicable detestable disgraceful godforsaken impoverished indigent inferior lamentable low mean needy paltry penniless piteous poverty-stricken scanty sordid squalid vile worthless scurvy Miserable antonyms
cheerful joyful elated merry wealthy good happy generous rich adequate sufficient fortunate lucky glad reputable advantageous great nice Usage of Miserable in sentences
The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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