Misfortunate meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Misfortunate
As noun : दयनीय उ:   आज भी श्री लंका में तमिल हिन्दुओ कि स्थिति अति दयनीय है।
दयामण विकलकरुण
Misfortunate synonyms
destroyed disastrous hapless inauspicious luckless ruined unfortunate unlucky catastrophic blighted ill-omened cursed damned jinxed troubled afflicted wretched unmanageable adverse perverse disturbing annoying awkward contrary fractious inconvenient inimical inopportune intractable irritating recalcitrant refractory undisciplined unfavorable ungovernable unpropitious unruly untimely unyielding vexatious wild indocile unpliable
Misfortunate antonyms
lucky happy cheerful glad joyous fortunate timely auspicious acceptable suitable proper
Usage of Misfortunate in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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