Misjudge meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Misjudge
As noun : गलत अनुमान लगाना Ex:  Although judge, misjudge someone or his actions
गलत समझना
As verb : अन्याय करना Ex:  Dont misjudge people by appearance. अविचार करना Ex:  , For whom do you take me? You misjudge me, you get me wrong गलत निर्णय लेना गलत राय लगाना मिथ्या विचार करना
Misjudge synonyms
overrate miscalculate misconstrue misunderstand underestimate prejudge misconceive suppose underrate presume presuppose stumble misapprehend mistake misreckon overestimate dogmatize bark up wrong tree be misled be overcritical be partial be unfair be wrong come to hasty conclusion drop the ball miscomprehend misconjecture misdeem miss by a mile misthink put foot in
Misjudge antonyms
disbelieve get perceive understand comprehend figure judge well
Usage of Misjudge in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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