Mismatched meaning in hindi
As noun : अनमिला Ex: A Bookstore unnecessary mismatched sheets and a book that can not be used to form complete copies
असंसृष्ट Ex: All these embellishments are hairpieces and mismatched असंस्तुत Ex: It are many of the variegation in this society, it is composed of people mismatched ऊटपटाँग Ex: Juxtaposition of sharp colors or mismatched बेमिलावट Ex: Parer a blend of vibrant colors and mismatched बेमेल Ex: This woman had been mismatched gloves विझर्झर Ex: well with Union mismatched विपृक्वत् Ex: , The works of all the parishes, elements of compounds mismatched
ExamplesMismatched synonyms
contrasting disparate distinct distinctive peculiar offbeat diverse various particular distant other divergent altered changed clashing colorful contrary deviating discrepant incomparable inconsistent individual opposed otherwise single variant a far cry from antithetic at odds at variance contradistinct contradistinctive contrastive differential incommensurable like night and day mismated poles apart unalike unsimilar antithetical contradictory heterogeneous opposite unique weird antonymous march to a different drummer not similar bad form ill-timed improper inappropriate inapt incorrect irrelevant malapropos unbecoming unfit unseemly unsuitable wrong ill-fitted ill-matched out of character out of its element out of place unfitting conflicting irreconcilable unsuited uncongenial adverse antipathetic antipodal counter disagreeing discordant factious inadmissible incoherent inconstant jarring warring inconformable inconsonant marching to a different drummer unadapted whale of difference bizarre alien distorted extraneous fantastic fitful foreign illogical irregular jumbled lopsided rambling twisted unavailing unbalanced unconnected uncoordinated uneven unintelligible unpredictable disconsonant inapropos out of keeping shifting incommensurate unmatched variable varying differing not uniform unequivalent dissonant hostile separate apples and oranges contrasted disharmonious not alike beside the point inapplicable unattached irrelative nongermane not germane not kin not kindred not related unassociated disaccord mismatch disharmonize be dissimilar not go with disturb contend combat brawl scrap contest collide interfere fight struggle strive tangle slug romp bump heads with cross swords with lock horns with run against tide square off with depart bracket distinguish weigh deviate collate stand out be a foil to be contrary to be diverse be unlike be variable hold a candle to match up set in opposition set off stack up against modify transform diversify variegate assort convert clank rattle vibrate chime clatter jingle hit a sour note annoy irk irritate discompose bicker shock grind nettle grate outrage wrangle quarrel Mismatched antonyms
alike similar resembling standard usual homogeneous harmonious unified united same common normal ordinary uniform correspondent conventional agreeing compatible matched related equal appropriate fitting suitable consonant loving suited proper consistent well-matched congruous corresponding identical level balanced even pertinent relevant necessary dependent consent harmonize retreat surrender aid assist give up make peace help yield support be calm coincide concur stay join accord conform be alike be equal be similar remain stagnate preserve connect link mix up leave alone associate confuse group allow soothe delight give in please make happy Usage of Mismatched in sentences
The word is used as adjective verb in english grammar. The word can be used as or noun in hindi
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