Misshapen meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Misshapen
As noun : बिकृत
बिरगिंध विकृत उ:   तब विकृत स्थान में रक्त जमता है, जिसको 'घनास्रता' कहते हैं। सावीकृत
As adjective : अवरूप Ex:  counterfeit Foot, misshapen गलत आकार वाली Ex:  This makes all misshapen
Other : औघड़ Ex:  Having the misshapen legs औरेब Ex:  hideous mask, grotesque, misshapen कदाकार Ex:  It is said popularly Torte, feminine, speaking of It which is bypassed, misshapen कुढब Ex:  Not having human figure, human form, be wrong, misshapen or be extremely disfigured by some accident, through some illness विरुप विरूपित
Misshapen ki paribhasha : jisamen kisi prakaar ka vikaar aa gaya ho
Misshapen synonyms
twisted askew awry bent bowed crooked curved damaged disjointed distorted grotesque irregular malformed ugly contorted blemished buckled disfigured ill-made mangled marred out of shape unshapely warped
Usage of Misshapen in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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