Missing meaning in hindi
As verb : अंतद् धनि Ex:  They combed the area for the missing child.
अदिस्स Ex:  The descriptive variable is missing from the sentence.
Descriptive linguistics simply describes language अनुध्यायो Ex:  he was thrown in the brig for missing muster अनुपस्थित Ex:  He was thrown in the brig for missing muster उ: उसका व्यक्तित्व उसकी कविता से अनुपस्थित लगता है। उड़नछू Ex:  He raked the almirah for the missing letter. खोया हुआ Ex:  Check through this and look for missing pages . गायब Ex:  Don't tell him the truth about his missing dog . उ: उसके जाते ही प्रकाश तथा खुशबू- दोनों गायब हो गए। गावखुर्द Ex:  However, by this stage many series were completely missing – United! गुमशुदा Ex:  The missing representation 3 was identified with quarks. उ: यहाँ वे कुछ गुमशुदा बच्चों के अपहरण की जानकारी सीआईडी को देते हैं। गोपि Ex:  Jarrah's girlfriend Sengün filed a missing person report in Bochum. नामौजूद Ex:  The missing names from Matthew would require an additional two folios. प्रक्षोण Ex:  The Gospel of Mark is missing the Evangelist portrait बिलोपित Ex:  After missing six races रफुचक्कर Ex:  10,000 missing and 22,000 wounded. लापता Ex:  The many missing and partial literary sources might include such a hero. उ: इस सफर के दौरान वे लापता हो गये। विप्रोषित Ex:  It is currently missing सम्मग्न Ex:  It is missing only portions of the neck, tail, backbone, and head.
Descriptive linguistics simply describes language अनुध्यायो Ex:  he was thrown in the brig for missing muster अनुपस्थित Ex:  He was thrown in the brig for missing muster उ: उसका व्यक्तित्व उसकी कविता से अनुपस्थित लगता है। उड़नछू Ex:  He raked the almirah for the missing letter. खोया हुआ Ex:  Check through this and look for missing pages . गायब Ex:  Don't tell him the truth about his missing dog . उ: उसके जाते ही प्रकाश तथा खुशबू- दोनों गायब हो गए। गावखुर्द Ex:  However, by this stage many series were completely missing – United! गुमशुदा Ex:  The missing representation 3 was identified with quarks. उ: यहाँ वे कुछ गुमशुदा बच्चों के अपहरण की जानकारी सीआईडी को देते हैं। गोपि Ex:  Jarrah's girlfriend Sengün filed a missing person report in Bochum. नामौजूद Ex:  The missing names from Matthew would require an additional two folios. प्रक्षोण Ex:  The Gospel of Mark is missing the Evangelist portrait बिलोपित Ex:  After missing six races रफुचक्कर Ex:  10,000 missing and 22,000 wounded. लापता Ex:  The many missing and partial literary sources might include such a hero. उ: इस सफर के दौरान वे लापता हो गये। विप्रोषित Ex:  It is currently missing सम्मग्न Ex:  It is missing only portions of the neck, tail, backbone, and head.
As adjective : ग़ायब Ex:  The missing enamel could be localized
Other : गुम Ex:  Others have large gaps – Doctor Who, for example, has 108 missing episodes. उ: उसके वापस आते समय उसका रॉकेट अंतरिक्ष में कहीं गुम हो जाता है। नदारद Ex:  After missing almost half of the tour in 1998, Graf defeated World No. उ: हालांकि, चट्टान नदारद होने के बावजूद बच्चा अधूरा रह गया। भूला हुआ Ex:  Conditional jumps were missing लुप्त Ex:  After missing 44 oral arguments before the Court in late 2004 and early 2005 उ: इस अवधि में जैन धर्म का प्रभाव लुप्त हो चला था।
ExamplesMissing synonyms
away removed lost short lacking omitted wanting mislaid misplaced astray disappeared awol left behind left out not present nowhere to be found unaccounted for Missing antonyms
adequate enough sufficient found here present Usage of Missing in sentences
The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun, verb or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning.
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