Mistrust meaning in hindi
As noun : अज्यास Ex: Dont mistrust everyone.
अविश्वास Ex: being in mistrust उ: जर्मनी को विभिन्न देश शक और अविश्वास की दृष्टि से देखते थे। कुविश्वास Ex: His attitude aroused mistrust कृफुर Ex: Provoking mistrust बेएतबारी शुबहा करना हेतुदृष्टि
As verb : अविश्वास करना Ex: Her mistrust of her husband often led to their quarrels.
Other : शंका उ: जब गाय आदि किसी पशु का गर्भपात हो तो ब्रूसेलोसिस की शंका होती है। शक करना शुबहा संदेह करना सन्देह करना सन्देह उ: महान सन्देह का त्याग कर दो अब सुनो, शत्रु इस प्रकार मरेगा ।
Mistrust ki paribhasha : kisi vishay ki satyata ya asatय़ta ke snbndh men honevaala sndeh .... apratyay
ExamplesMistrust synonyms
wariness apprehension foreboding uncertainty misgiving distrust suspicion skepticism fear chariness incertitude dubiety concern scruple presentiment wonder dubiosity apprehend challenge question disbelieve suspect dispute beware be wary have doubts Mistrust antonyms
unconcern certainty sureness confidence trust belief faith answer believe have faith be certain Usage of Mistrust in sentences
The word is used as noun verb in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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