Modal meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Modal
As noun : औसत Ex:  The word modal refers to the word 'modes' उ:   यहाँ की औसत साक्षरता दर ८१.०४ प्रतिशत है।
क्रियाभाव द्योतक Ex:  TECO was a modal editor that treated typing राग संबंधी Ex:  Some cities with particularly high modal shares of cycling are Oulu रूपात्मक क्रिया
Other : बहुलकी Ex:  Ethiopian music uses a unique modal system that is pentatonic रूपात्मक
Modal ki paribhasha : khaaye hue ann ka kachchaa, na pacha hua mal jo saphed aur lasila hota hai vah snkhya jo kai sthaanon ki bhinn bhinn snkhyaaon ko jodne aur us jod ko, jitane sthaan hon utane se bhaag dene par nikalati ho
Usage of Modal in sentences

The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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