Moist meaning in hindi
As adjective : अवोद Ex: She molded a small turtle out of the moist clay .
आर्द Ex: The air is often moist उ: गर्म आर्द वायु का घनत्व समान दबाव पर शुष्क हवा से कम होता है। नम Ex: Milk was moderately warm and moist उ: हाइनान का मौसम नम और गर्म है। स्तिमित Ex: It has the moist forehead
Other : आर्द्र Ex: In a moist atmosphere उ: हवाई की जलवायु आर्द्र और सम है। आला Ex: A disadvantage of moist skin is that pathogens can thrive on it गीला Ex: During the day they find cool, dark, and moist areas to sleep. भीगा Ex: It is moist across southeast sections, and dry across much of the interior. उ: यदि भीगा हुआ चना न पचे तो चने उबालकर नमक अदरक मिलाकर खाना चाहिए। सीला Ex: Having eyes moist with tears
Moist ki paribhasha : anaaj ke ve daane jo phasal katane par khet men pade rah jaate hain jinhen tapasvi ya garib log chunate hain
ExamplesMoist synonyms
muggy watery rainy soggy damp humid clammy dank drippy oozy teary dampish dewy dripping drizzly irriguous not dry Moist antonyms
dry dehydrated arid Usage of Moist in sentences
The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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