Moisten meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Moisten
As verb : अवोद Ex:  The chocolate also appears to soothe and moisten the throat.
आर्द्र करना Ex:  Action Arts soak, moisten with water उंदन Ex:  In terms of Printing, Dip the paper or absolutely, Soak, Soak water, moisten the paper for printing, giving it flexibility उपस्नेह Ex:  In terms of Printing, he refers to the Action soak, to moisten the paper you want to print गिलोंणा, गिलोंना Ex:  Small container, usually with a sponge soaked in water, which is used to moisten the glue of an envelope, the underside of a gummed label, a stamp, etc गीला करना नम करना व्युंदन
Moisten synonyms
drench sprinkle dampen soak saturate wash squirt steam rinse shower lick bathe dip splatter water sop spray splash mist steep water down moisturize bedew humidify rain on sog waterlog
Moisten antonyms
dry dehydrate
Usage of Moisten in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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