Molestation meaning in hindi
As noun : अभिधर्षण Ex:  public sexual harassment or molestation of women by men, with use of the word "Eve" being a reference to the biblical Eve, the first woman
उत्पीड़न Ex:  He also said figuratively and signifies Getting to by address, get by fine or molestation उ: अब उत्पीड़न की मात्रा तेजी से बढ़ने लगी। उपलालिका कामुकतापूर्ण उत्पीड़न छेड ज्यानि संप्रतापन
Molestation ki paribhasha : bechain ya kshoovdh hokar ghoomane vaala
ExamplesMolestation synonyms
aggravation distress strain irritation perplexity bellyache nuisance worry concern annoyance nudge exasperation ado headache pother to-do pain fuss drag pressure flurry plague bustle trouble care anxiety difficulty irritant botheration trial pest problem vexation pain in the neck worriment turmoil uprising shock explosion fracas riot interruption brawl violence eruption disruption storm tremor upheaval confusion disorder stink agitation ruckus hullabaloo quake racket convulsion flap perturbation hubbub derangement ferment clamor spasm stir insurrection rumble brouhaha fray distraction restlessness rampage intrusion tumult fisticuffs uproar hindrance disarrangement quarrel big scene big stink persecution provocation torment hassle provoking bothering pestering bedevilment irking vexing abduction maltreatment abuse violation despoliation rapine pillage plunder depredation plundering despoilment criminal attack forcible violation statutory offense date rape grope carnal abuse forcible intercourse ravishment sex crime sexual abuse sexual offense unlawful sexual intercourse Molestation antonyms
happiness health advantage delight calmness joy contentment tranquility aid comfort pleasure ease peace good health convenience help quiet harmony order organization method system contentedness agreement assistance furtherance facilitation support Usage of Molestation in sentences
The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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