Mollusk meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Mollusk
As noun : घोँघी Ex:  mollusk shell covered with a
घोंगापु Ex:  Natural History cephalopod mollusk shell divided into several cells घोंघा Ex:  This mollusk has two valves, it is bivalve उ:   मांस, दुग्धसामग्री एवं मछली और घोंघा पकड़ना अन्य उद्योग हैं। चूर्णप्रावार Ex:  Zoology mollusk whose head and mouth are lined tentacles जलडिंब जलशुक्ति पंकमंडूक पंकशुक्ति पूतिकामुख मोलस्क उ:   सामान्यीकृत मोलस्क द्विपक्षीय होते है। शंबुक, शंबुक्क
Mollusk ki paribhasha : shnkh ki tarah ka ek kid jo praayaः nadiyon taalaabo tatha any jalaashayon men paaya jaata hai
Mollusk synonyms
clam abalone snail whelk chiton cuttlefish limpet
Usage of Mollusk in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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