Monarch meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Monarch
As noun : अधीश्वर Ex:  The monarch was a good man. उ:   सब जीवों के अधीश्वर 'पशुपति शिव' हैं।
अपनी जाति में सबसे प्रधान Ex:  a monarch has a duty to his subjects अर्थपति Ex:  The British monarch is Sovereign of the Order of St Patrick. अवनीपति Ex:  The monarch also chooses the Prime Minister असपत्ति, असपत्ती Ex:  The penultimate Saxon monarch of England इभ्य Ex:  The last monarch to enter the Chamber was King Charles I एकजन्मा Ex:  This new foreign monarch was regarded with scorn. एकराष्‍ट् Ex:  Elizabeth was the fifth and last monarch of the Tudor dynasty. Ex:  Elizabeth's first instinct was to restore her fellow monarch उ:   चेकीतन क वध दुर्योधन के द्वारा १८ वें दिन के युद्ध में हुआ। किबलाआलम Ex:  The monarch remains as the formal क्राउन Ex:  The British monarch is an ordinary member उ:   ३२ पृष्ठ की क्राउन आकार की इस पत्रिका का मूल्य ४ आना मात्र था। क्षत्रपति Ex:  The commander-in-chief is the monarch क्षमाभूक Ex:  Constitutionally the monarch still has considerable powers क्षितिप Ex:  The monarch can exert most influence during the formation of a new cabinet क्षितिपति Ex:  The Administrator is officially appointed by the British monarch क्षोणीपति Ex:  Executive authority is constitutionally vested in the monarch गुपिल Ex:  A direct descendant of the first monarch गोपति Ex:  The monarch and the Governor-General serve largely ceremonial roles गोपीथ Ex:  The monarch is hereditary गोभुक् Ex:  Victoria was a generally popular monarch गोभुज Ex:  Despite having the same person as their respective national monarch चक्रवती Ex:  The monarch continues to own the Crown Estate but cannot sell it चतुर्थभाज Ex:  The last monarch to unilaterally remove a Prime Minister was William IV चारचक्षु Ex:  The monarch holds a weekly audience with the Prime Minister छत्रधर Ex:  The monarch may express his or her views but छितिकांत Ex:  As such, the monarch has the power to appoint archbishops and bishops. छितिनाथ Ex:  The monarch is only an ordinary member छोनिप Ex:  The monarch also has the power to claim any sturgeons जनधिनाथ Ex:  Scotland had no monarch present जनेश् Ex:  This made the pope's granting of Ireland to the English monarch invalid. जयपाल Ex:  The monarch stays at Holyrood Palace for at least one week each year त्नप Ex:  However, the monarch does own certain homes in a private capacity. थलपति Ex:  The monarch chooses his or her regnal name दंडधार Ex:  If only one monarch has used a particular name दंडनेता Ex:  The governor of Aruba is appointed for a six-year term by the monarch दंडप Ex:  She was the last British monarch of the House of Hanover. देशाधीश Ex:  Victoria surpassed George III as the longest reigning monarch in English देसपति Ex:  Since Victoria's reign the monarch has had only देसाधिपति Ex:  As the power of the monarch slowly shifted to Parliament धरणिधर Ex:  The Zulu monarch was killed by three assassins sometime in 1828 धरणीपति Ex:  And yet traditional Zulu culture still reveres the dead monarch धरनिधनी Ex:  Mahinda's mission won over the Sinhalese monarch Devanampiyatissa of Mihintale धरपत्ती Ex:  The monarch alone can grant membership. धराधर Ex:  Due to this status, the monarch has no separate title for these regions. धराधव Ex:  The current monarch is Henri. धराधिप Ex:  The current monarch is Beatrix. धराधिपति Ex:  The current monarch is Harald V. Spain came into existence as a single धरापति Ex:  The current monarch is Carl XVI Gustaf. धराभुक् Ex:  The head of state is the ruling monarch of the Netherlands नरंद Ex:  Henry was the second monarch of the House of Tudor नरतात Ex:  He established the monarch as the Supreme Head of the Church of England. नरत्राण Ex:  Henry VIII was the first English monarch to regularly use the style "Majesty" नरदेव Ex:  Mwami Mutari III became the first Tutsi monarch to convert to Catholicism. नरनाथ Ex:  His younger half-brother then became the next Tutsi monarch नरनायक Ex:  A Tutsi Prime Minister was chosen by the monarch but नरपति Ex:  Nevertheless, the monarch soon replaced him with another Tutsi prince. नरवई Ex:  He strengthened the position of the monarch to an unprecedented degree नरशक्र Ex:  He was the last British monarch to have been born outside Great Britain नायकाधिप Ex:  Count of Württemberg, to become the monarch of Lithuania. नृदेव Ex:  The monarch was the head of the state church. नृदेवता Ex:  The monarch of Canada is one of the three components of Parliament. नृपति Ex:  The French Revolution overthrew monarch पद्मलांछन Ex:  While this state formally recognized King Peter II of Yugoslavia as its monarch परजापति, परजापति Ex:  An all-powerful monarch पासाह Ex:  It usually means a monarch with the title of Emperor पुथिवीशुक Ex:  monarch पुरुषेंद्र Ex:  Monarchy means, by extension, a state ruled by a monarch पुहवै Ex:  Speech from the Throne Speech delivered by a constitutional monarch at the opening of each session of the legislative chambers पुहवोपति Ex:  temperate monarchy, one where the monarch does not exercise legislative power alone and is not invested with absolute authority पृथिवीपति Ex:  This monarch full court held on Christmas Day पृथीपति Ex:  This monarch has wisely governed his kingdom पृथ्वींद्र Ex:  What a weak man! This good but weak monarch was more loved than respected पृथ्वीनाथ पृथ्वीपति प्रजाप प्रजेश, प्रजेश्वर प्रिंस उ:   तब से आज तक, प्रिंस एंड्रू यहीं रहते हैं। बलिहृत् बादिसाह भरंड भागभुज् भुवनशासी भुवपति भूतविभु भूनेता भूपति भूभर्ता भूभुज् भूभृत् भूमणि भूमिप भूमिपुरंदर भूमिभुज् भूरमण भूव भूवल्लभ भूशक भोप मोनार्क रसापति रागी ‡ राजन उ:   राजपुरोहित राजन का सहयोगी होता था। राजप्रेष्य राजा उ:   इस सम्राजय के सबसे बड़े राजा थे। राजाअ राज्यकर्ता राज्यस्थायी राट्, राट रानी उ:   इनके साथ किसी भी रानी को सती नहीं होने दिया गया । राष्ट्रगीप राष्ट्रभृत् रैया लक्ष्मीनाथ लक्ष्मीपति लोकप, लोकपति लोकरक्षक लोकेश वर्णगुरु वसुंधराधव वसुधाधिप विनेता विराज्ञी विशपति विशस्पति विशांपति विषयाधिपति विषयायी शासानुशास श्रीपति संपदूर सिंघ ‡ सुपह सुलताना सुवर्णचक्रवर्ती सुविदत् स्थपति स्वामिकार्य
Other : नृप Ex:  When the ruling monarch had no such son उ:   सचिवागवन नगर नृप मरना। भूपाल उ:   कंपण भूपाल केसमय की रचना होने से यह उनका आद्य ग्रंथ प्रतीत होता है। राजेश्वर उ:   इसका निर्माण कोरबा के जमींदर राजेश्वर दयाल के पूर्वजों ने कराया था। शाहंशाह
Monarch ki paribhasha : ek avyay jise snbodhan ya bulaane ke liye prayog karate hain raaja bhoj ka ek naam hanumat ke mat se ek raag jo megh raag ka putr maana jaata hai kisi desha, jaati ya jatye ka pradhaan shaasak jo us desha, jaati ya jatthe ko niyam se chalaataa, unamen shaanti rakhata tatha usaki aur usake svatvon ki, doosaron ke aakraman se, raksha karata hai striyon ke liye aadarasoochak shabd
Monarch synonyms
queen king emperor sovereign majesty autocrat prince empress potentate despot princess crowned head
Usage of Monarch in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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