Monsoon meaning in hindi
As noun : बरसात Ex: Western Bhutan has the heavier monsoon rains उ: खेलों में धन की बरसात में कोई बुराई नहीं है।
बरसाती पवन Ex: The city gets most of its seasonal rainfall from the north-east monsoon winds मानसून काल Ex: The highest rainfall occurs during the monsoon in August . मानसून Ex: Most of the remainder are small and entirely fed by monsoon rains. उ: मानसून का आगमन जून के मध्य में होता है। मानसूनी हवा Ex: Firstly, there were unusually high monsoon rains. मौसमी हवा Ex: May, the hottest period, precedes the summer monsoon rains. वर्षा ऋतु Ex: The city is within the monsoon climate zone वर्षा वायु Ex: The southwest monsoon
Monsoon ki paribhasha : saavan bhaadon ke din jab khoob varsha hoti hai ek prakaar ki vaayu jo bhaaratiy mahaasaagar men aprail se aktoobar maas tak baraabar dakshinapashchim ke kon se chalati hai aur aktoobar se aprail tak uttarapoorv ke kon se chalati hai
ExamplesMonsoon synonyms
flood deluge inundation cloudburst rainstorm drencher torrential rain windstorm tornado squall cyclone blow typhoon outbreak blast tempest outburst mistral chinook twister whirlwind tropical cyclone tropical storm line storm rainfall hail shower stream precipitation drizzle pouring sprinkle condensation spit flurry spate sprinkling volley sleet showers raindrops sheets cat-and-dog weather heavy dew liquid sunshine sun shower wet stuff window washer blizzard gust disturbance snowstorm raining cats and dogs Monsoon antonyms
sprinkle dryness aridity quiet calm clearness peace Usage of Monsoon in sentences
The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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